Most junglers in League of Legends have experienced the pain of having their jungle camps stolen by some fed solo laners. But in Patch 13.20, Riot is planning sweeping changes that will help keep everyone in their own lanes while slowing games down a bit.
Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison detailed the changes in a massive list headed for live servers, stating that they are increasing jungle monster durability by a fairly large amount to help slow down jungle speed by a bit while also preventing the prevalence of jungle poaching.
“We’re trying to still keep the fun things about the role intact, while focusing on trimming power and complexity from the role that hopefully junglers don’t mind being trimmed,” Phroxzon said on social media. “They will still feel it to some extent, but jungle is quite an overpowered role on live and we feel like we need to act.”
On League‘s PBE server, jungle camps will be starting off at their regular health threshold, but as they level up, they will have highly increased health per level. At max level, for example, normal camp health is getting increased from 200 percent to 235 percent. Buff camps are also increasing from 100-200 percent from levels 1-11, to 100-270 percent from levels 1-18.
As a result, other laners will be less inclined to roam around after shoving their wave in order to steal some camps to set the enemy jungler back. Junglers, on the other hand, are less inclined to jump into a lane to farm, since Patch 13.5 decreased the amount of experience that junglers receive from minions compared to jungle camps.
Ultimately, this change will slow down games by increasing jungle clear times, while also preventing extreme snowballing through massive early solo leads, especially from strong laning champions who can easily clear waves and roam throughout the map.
Patch 13.20 is scheduled to release a day after the 2023 World Championship begins, on Wednesday, Oct. 11.
Published: Oct 4, 2023 02:35 pm