Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases. And as of today, he’ll be able to hit Summoner’s Rift in competitive play in Europe.
Riot Games’ head of esports Maximilian Peter Schmidt has confirmed that the Madman of Zaun is available for pro teams to play in today’s games in the 2021 LEC Summer Split.
The new rework for one of League of Legends’ oldest and most beloved champions dropped on the live servers with Patch 11.12. He came in with a fresh coat of paint and a revamped set of abilities to help him keep up with the rest of the newer champions in the game, while also keeping that classic Mundo feel.
As many fans and analysts know, however, Dr. Mundo hasn’t been the most popular champion in professional play since he lacked a lot of what most players look for in a top lane champion nowadays. Usually, players and teams like to build compositions around picks like Gnar, Sett, and Renekton. But recently, champions like Lee Sin and Nocturne have risen in popularity as well.
His new kit does give him a ton of new abilities to crush his opponents since he can avoid any crowd control with his periodic passive immunity to immobilization effects. He also deals a significant amount of damage and healing with his Q while offering some decent wave clear with his Blunt Force Trauma ability.
Related: Here are all of Dr. Mundo’s new abilities in upcoming VGU
It isn’t like the reworked Dr. Mundo hasn’t been played yet this split, though. The murderous medical practitioner has actually been played three times this season so far and has won every single match he’s been in, according to Games of Legends. Rare Atom’s top laner Cube played him in the LPL, Chiefs Esports Club’s top laner Lived played him in the LCO, and Macko Esports’ Sebekx threw him in the mid lane this past week.
It’ll be exciting to see if any of the LEC’s top laners decide to bring the psychotic physician into their games this week. The 2021 LEC Summer Split will resume today with Misfits vs. Excel at 11am CT.
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Published: Jun 25, 2021 09:47 am