With nearly 170 champions on the League of Legends roster, there will always be some stronger than others, meaning players are constantly looking for the very best champs to win ranked games with.
This remains true in League Season 14, especially after the huge item overhaul and major Summoner’s Rift revamp heading into 2024. Even early on, powerful new picks emerged, with many quickly hitting incredible win rates.
Here are the 10 best League champions to play in Patch 14.14 so far.
Best League champs in Patch 14.14
Top lane

Meta can change, but Malphite hardly ever goes out of style, especially when bruisers rule the top lane. This rocky tank is perfect for solo lane skirmishes against other champs in the current meta and has some of the best engage in the entire League. He’s also incredibly easy to learn, so if you’re a starting top laner looking for a champion to gain some ranking, Malphite’s your pick.

In the tanks and bruisers top lane meta, there are champions that will always be powerful. When it comes to the former category, we already mentioned Malphite, and Camille dominates the latter. With her unique kit that’s perfect in one-versus-one scenarios and in late-game teamfights, she’s truly unmatched. Obviously, there are a few options that can counter her, but if she doesn’t fall behind and manage to find a flank or two towards enemy carries, she will be able to secure a victory for your team.

Several champs can single-handedly carry in the current meta, which marks them as dangerous prospects from the start of each match. Luckily, you can shut down such champions with Nocturne. The jungler is pretty useless until he reaches level six, but once he gets his hands on his ultimate, it’s game over. Nocturne’s Paranoia is a perfect tool to punish overstepping carries or just camp for the dangerous ones.

While Nocturne excels after level six and is extremely powerful due to his ultimate, Kha’Zix is a jack of all trades. His deadly and simple-to-master kit allows Kha’Zix players to take control of the game from the get-go. His ganking is simple and strong, while his snowball potential is arguably unmatched in the jungle. If you want to pick some kills early, try focusing on solo lanes since the enemies are isolated, and you deal considerably more damage to them.
Mid lane

Patch 14.14 introduced a few major changes to the meta, especially in the mid lane. Tristana has been nerfed, ending her domination in the role that took way longer than it should have. This allowed other mid laners, like LeBlanc, to return. Her single-target burst has always been one of the most perilous ones in the game, and it’s no different in this update. Just make sure you don’t lose your lane and won’t have to catch up for most of the mid game, since that’s where LeBlanc usually has her power spike and can inflict a lot of damage.

Many high-ranked players believe assassins are useless in League’s season 14 meta. While it’s true for many underwhelming champions, Zed is really strong at the time of writing. That’s likely a result of his direct buffs to Q and E in the latest update, which elevated his damage and solo kill potential. When playing the deadly assassin, make sure to always go for the back line and wreak havoc upon squishy targets, most preferably enemy ADC.
Bot lane

For the entirety of season 14, Kai’Sa has been one of the best marksmen to pick. Nothing has changed in Patch 14.14. Her hypercarry potential is off the charts, and her early game is also easy to manage. The important thing is to watch out for potential ganks in the laning phase. In high ranks, enemy junglers often acknowledge the threat that Kai’Sa poses as the game goes on and try to shut her down as early as possible. Therefore, it’s best to pick a support that will be protective of Kai’Sa, like Poppy, Janna, Alistar, or Rell.

Welcome to the League of Draven. The arrogant ADC rightfully makes his way to the list of top picks in Patch 14.14. Similarly to Kai’Sa, he’s a late-game hypercarry, though this time around, the risk-to-reward ratio is even higher. Draven’s gameplay relies on getting passive stacks and cashing them in by collecting kills, but without proper setup, you won’t be able to get any in the first 20 minutes of the game. Additionally, these stacks reset if you die, so you’ll more than likely be a priority target for the opposing team. With all that in mind, play the early game safe and watch your steps in fights.

In the history of League, there has arguably never been a support more powerful and well-fitted for so many compositions than Leona. With her all-in, tanky kit, she’s incredible in engages and teamfights. In the end, if each of your abilities is a crowd-control tool, it’d be surprising if Leona wasn’t among the strongest champs in the game. However, with her straightforward and aggressive kit, she may become useless if she gets significantly behind, so watch your surroundings in the early game.

We round up the list with a unique and bloodthirsty pick, Pyke. His playstyle is entirely different from other support picks due to his aggressive and deadly abilities. As Pyke, you should aim to collect kills and even follow your jungler for a while to aid them in ganking. The champion can be immensely rewarding to play but incredibly risky at the same time.
Published: Jul 18, 2024 04:00 am