Hearthstone’s new Tombs of Terror solo adventure is still one week away from launch, but Blizzard is already teasing its release by previewing three new card backs in today’s update.
As the first of three, the Titantic Tasks card back can be earned by completing Tombs of Terror on Normal difficulty. Those who complete the solo adventure on Heroic difficulty will receive a second card back, named Tomb Invader, to commemorate their achievement.
Unlike the first two card backs, the final card back, Darkmoon Faire, won’t be something players will be able to earn through Tombs of Terror. Instead, it’ll be awarded to players who win five games in Hearthstone’s ranked mode during the October 2019 season.
Tombs of Terror is Hearthstone’s newest solo adventure from the game’s recent Saviors of Uldum expansion. The adventure launches on Sept. 17 but is available for pre-purchase now in a Deluxe Adventure bundle for $19.99. Those who order Tombs of Terror ahead of its official launch date will receive the exclusive League of Explorers card back, 16 card packs, and a random Saviors of Uldum Legendary card.
Related: How to prepare for Hearthstone’s upcoming solo adventure, Tombs of Terror
Once Tombs of Terror goes live on Sept. 17, Hearthstone fans will be able to buy the standard adventure at a lower price without the card back and random legendary.
Published: Sep 10, 2019 04:02 pm