The only thing nearly as exciting as a new Hearthstone expansion is a new solo adventure. Now that Saviors of Uldum has been out for over a month, it’s time to dive into Hearthstone’s next solo adventure, the Tombs of Terror.
The last time Hearthstone received a new solo adventure, fans took on the role of an EVIL lackey for Rafaam and his crew. They battled through Dalaran and eventually helped the League of EVIL steal the magical city. After Dr. Boom strapped rockets to the city and began flying toward the desert, other forces in Azeroth took notice. Now, Rafaam and the gang have unleashed plagues upon the land that have freed a ton of nasty magical creatures. The League of Explorers has taken note of Rafaam’s actions and will do anything in their power to stop him.
That’s where you come in. This time, instead of helping the bad guys, you’ll be trying to stop Rafaam alongside the League of Explorers. The new solo adventure will launch on Sept. 17, so you have that long to prepare. There are a few things you’ll want to do to make sure you’re good to go on launch day, however.
How will you pay?
First, figure out how you’ll be paying for the adventure. Hearthstone solo adventures usually come with a plethora of purchase options and Tombs of Terror is no exception.
One way to buy it is through the Deluxe Adventure Bundle. This includes 15 card packs earned through play, one golden Classic pack for completing the adventure, one random Saviors of Uldum Legendary, and a new exclusive card back. You can purchase the Deluxe Bundle for $19.99.
The Standard Adventure pack, which goes on sale at launch, will cost $14.99 but won’t include the card back or Saviors of Uldum Legendary. On launch, the first chapter will be free and you can buy additional chapters for $6.99 or 700 gold.
How will you play?
The Tombs of Terror solo adventure will be introducing some new mechanics to Hearthstone. Instead of using an individual Hero for each class, fans will get to play as dual-class Heroes during this solo adventure. Reno Jackson will be able to use cards from the Mage and Rogue sets. Elise will be able to use Druid and Priest cards. Brann will be a Hunter and Warrior mix. And Sir Finley will use cards from the Paladin and Shaman classes.
This new variation will make for some interesting decks and theorycrafting. Solo adventures may not allow for as much freedom with deck crafting as competitive Hearthstone, but there’s still a lot to consider. You can decide which Hero you think will be your preferred character throughout the adventure, as well as which card combinations you’ll be shooting for while deck building.
You can join the League of Explorers when Tombs of Terror goes live on Sept. 17.
Published: Sep 10, 2019 11:56 am