Handshake needs your assistance again in Gray Zone Warfare to get intel he won’t be able to receive from anyone else. He wants to see if you can find the passage that leads from the bunker to Fort Narith.
Fort Narith is a secure location in your region, and if you can get more details about it, perhaps you can use it to your advantage. At least the vendors can use it to give you more missions to earn more reputation, earning more money and gear. This can be a reasonably straightforward mission, but it’s easy to miss where you need to go in GZW.
How to find passage leading to Fort Narith for Shortcut in Gray Zone Warfare

The area you must visit for the Shortcut quest is the YBL-1 bunker on the southwest side of GZW. Head over here and make your way to the west side of the base. I find that this is a much easier way to complete this task in this area, but you can also choose to go through the front. The entrance is always a good idea if you know other players have already cleared out the bunker. You should have experience with this area, having completed the Save the Rebellion and Check Out Computers quests.
When you arrive, go down through the bottom of the bunker and head down to the final floor. If the base has yet to be cleared, expect multiple NPCs to try blocking your path as you make your way through. Although you can bring a silencer and a scope, these might not help you as much as in previous areas. The NPCs are too close together, and they will hear gunshots, regardless of the distance between them.

At the bottom of the bunker, loop your way through and search for a blocked passage. Rubble should be all over this entrance, preventing you from going forward. All you need to do is proceed next to the rubble, and your tasks should update, indicating you’ve completed the quest.
You can now bring the quest back to Handshake and report everything. It concludes the Shortcut quest in GZW, and you can expect more missions to begin opening up for Fort Narith.
Published: May 15, 2024 12:26 pm