The Artisan has a pilot friend who was working at Pha Lang Airfield in Gray Zone Warfare. This airfield was used as an evacuation point when they were trying to get people out of the area. The Artisan wants to know if their friend, Liko Savang, got out.
It turns out Liko Savang was involved in a drug supply deal that was happening at the airfield. They were taking a cut from the people they were working for and making some money on the side. The Artisan wants you to find out what happened to Liko Savang in Last Flight, and you have to go out of your way to learn these details in Gray Zone Warfare.
Where to find Liko Savang for Last Flight in Gray Zone Warfare

You must go to Pha Lang Airfield in GZW for this quest. But the target you need to reach is somewhere other than the airport. Instead, go to the southeast of the airfield and into the forest. You need to find a crashed airplane that went down nearby. You might have become familiar with this area by working through the A Single Drop and Manifest Destiny quests.
Although your primary target is outside the airport, this quest does require you to get close to it—unless you already have the landing zone (LZ) on the east side of Pha Lang Airfield. Use this LZ rather than the Golf 1 LZ if you have it. Those using Golf 1 should expect to fight through a handful of NPCs patrolling the airfield to get to the other side of Pha Lang Airfield. Even if you stick to the south and curve around the airport, there’s a good chance you can encounter a handful of NPCs wandering around this area or even other GZW players.

When you arrive at the crash site, make your way to the right of the airplane and look for a body on the ground. It should be underneath some bushes, partially concealing it. When you approach the body, interact with it and confirm that it was once Liko Savang, confirming to The Artisan that her friend perished.
The final thing you need to do is return to Base Camp to turn everything into The Artisan. You can do this from the Golf 2 LZ you unlocked when you ran close to this area. When you return to Base Camp, speak with The Artisan and complete this quest in GZW.
Published: May 8, 2024 02:10 pm