Lab Rat wants you to double down on your investigation in Ban Pa in Gray Zone Warfare. She believes some chemical production is happening and wants you to track it down. Unfortunately for you, though, she’s not sure where you have to go to find it.
For the It’s In The Water 2 quest, it’s time to return to Ban Pa to figure out what else the cult members have been doing. Expect heavy resistance when you arrive, and also prepare to deal with other Gray Zone Warfare players who are likely in the area. You can face multiple threats here, especially if you need help tracking down the origin of the chemical production.
Where to find chemical production for It’s In The Water 2 in Gray Zone Warfare

You can find the chemical production area inside the first floor of the Elder’s House in Ban Pa. This is a location close to the center of town, and you have to fight your way through the area to reach it in GZW.
For anyone who has already been to Ban Pa for the first It’s In the Water quest or is trying to complete The Shadow Over Ban Pa, you may have an expectation of the many enemies at this location. Not only are they heavily armed, but it can be challenging to track them, given the many bushes and trees. You want to be careful moving through this area. I recommend bringing a weapon with a scope and a silencer to prevent drawing too much attention to yourself, especially if you want to avoid other GZW players in the area.

Head to the first floor when you reach the Elder’s House in the town center. Unfortunately for you, though, it’s locked and requires the Ban Pa Elder House key. This is an item that only drops from any nearby enemies you can find throughout Ban Pa. You may have to sweep the town, defeating multiple enemies before you find a key in their inventory. Once you have it, head for the door to unlock it and proceed through.

When you enter the room, you only need to stand in it and you’ll complete the quest. Rather than collecting samples, it’s mostly about confirming the presence of chemical production in the village. You can now call for a helicopter and return to Base Camp, completing another quest for Lab Rat in GZW.
Published: May 7, 2024 04:16 pm