The First Recon quest in Gray Zone Warfare is a location scouting request you need to complete for Handshake. Your task is to visit three spots in a town near your Base Camp and look for any signs of trouble.
As the name suggests, the First Recon quest is the initial mission for most GZW players. Handshake tells you to visit three locations scattered throughout the small town to your southwest (Lamang Recovery Initiative), southeast (Crimson Shield International, and north (Mithras Security Systems). You want to make sure you have enough resources when you leave your Base Camp because you encounter several hostiles while completing the quest.
So, let’s dig in and find the exact locations you need to visit in the First Recon quest in GZW.
Where to find First Recon spots in Gray Zone Warfare
You need to reach three locations to complete the First Recon task in GZW. While the layout of the town and the location of the spots depend on your faction, the areas are similar in appearance and very close to each other.

Gas station, convenience store and demolished building locations for Lamang Recovery Initiative
If you’re part of the Lamang Recovery Initiative and completing tasks in Pha Lang, the gas station is located in the southwest part of the town at map coordinates (200, 160). No NPCs guard the area, but you can loot two dead bodies, which is useful if you’re without a weapon or running low on ammo.
You can now make your way to the convenience store, located north of the gas station, at map coordinates (201, 163). You can hear several NPCs randomly firing their guns, so make sure you either maintain your stealth by going around them or simply killing them from a safe distance.

For the third and final objective, you need to check the demolished building toward the east of the convenience store at map coordinates (203, 163). Once again, you can hear hostiles’ gunshots, but there’s no need to engage with them. Stand on the gray concrete area at the center of the site, and you will finish the last objective.
To complete the First Recon task in GZW, return to Base Camp and report back to Handshake, earning you some gear, money, and experience. It also unlocks their second task: Little Bird Down.
Published: May 4, 2024 02:20 pm