Wordle is a simple and fun game. Players must guess a five-letter word that changes each day in up to six tries. But the only clues available are the letters that were used in the previous words.
Due to the way the rules of the game work, it is common for players to ask themselves which word to start with constantly. And there is more than one possible answer, depending on how each one wants to achieve their goal.
Casual gamers who like to play games in their spare time may be looking for occasional fun rather than the best possible results, so the best tip is to start using your favorite five-letter word. It doesn’t need to have any other requirements other than to amuse the player somehow. It’s possible to win regardless of which word you start with, so everyone should seek their own fun.
Those who take Wordle more seriously, who use to play every day to increase their winning streak or even enjoy the stats part of the game and its answer possibilities can even subscribe to the New York Times to gain access to WordleBot, the Wordle’s official assistant, with complete analysis, word by word of each user’s match. But if you’re looking for the best words to start with, according to WordleBot, they are:
Finally, players may find themselves playing against time. Competition between friends to see who can find the correct answer the fastest or even days when a match starts at five minutes to midnight. In such cases, a different approach may help.
Instead of trying to get the secret word right each time, using words with completely different letters can give you an advantage. Have a list of four or five words prepared in advance. Guess each one regardless of the results. When you’re done, chances are you’ve already found the five letters of the correct answer, so you’ll just need to rearrange them on your final attempts. An example word list for this is as follows:
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words starting with ‘PA’
If you’ve used your first guesses and only found that the correct answer has two letters ‘R’, here are some five-letter words with ‘R’ and ‘R’, sorted alphabetically so you’ll have less work to do with filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
Five-letter words with ‘R’ and ‘R’ to try on Wordle
- airer
- arars
- arbor
- ardor
- ardri
- arear
- arere
- armer
- armor
- arrah
- arras
- array
- arret
- arris
- arrow
- aurar
- barer
- barra
- barre
- barro
- barry
- berry
- birrs
- borer
- breer
- brere
- brers
- briar
- brier
- burro
- burrs
- burry
- carer
- carrs
- carry
- charr
- chirr
- churr
- cirri
- corer
- crare
- crier
- crore
- cruor
- crura
- curer
- currs
- curry
- darer
- darre
- derro
- derry
- direr
- dorrs
- drear
- drere
- drier
- dryer
- durra
- durrs
- durry
- erred
- error
- eyrir
- farer
- ferer
- ferry
- firer
- firry
- flurr
- freer
- frere
- friar
- frier
- frore
- frorn
- frory
- fryer
- furor
- furrs
- furry
- garre
- girrs
- gnarr
- gurry
- harry
- herry
- hirer
- hurra
- hurry
- jerry
- jirre
- juror
- karri
- kerry
- kirri
- knurr
- kurre
- lorry
- lurer
- lurry
- maror
- marri
- marry
- merer
- merry
- mhorr
- morra
- morro
- murra
- murre
- murri
- murrs
- murry
- myrrh
- narre
- nurrs
- order
- ormer
- orris
- parer
- parra
- parrs
- parry
- perry
- porer
- prier
- prior
- prore
- pryer
- purer
- purrs
- racer
- radar
- rager
- raird
- raker
- raper
- rared
- raree
- rarer
- rares
- rarks
- raser
- rater
- raver
- rawer
- razer
- razor
- rearm
- rears
- rebar
- recur
- redry
- refer
- refry
- regar
- regur
- reird
- repro
- reran
- rerig
- rerun
- retro
- retry
- ricer
- rider
- rifer
- rigor
- rimer
- riper
- riser
- river
- roars
- roary
- roger
- roker
- roper
- roral
- rores
- roric
- rorid
- rorie
- rorts
- rorty
- rotor
- rover
- rower
- ruder
- ruers
- ruler
- rumor
- rural
- rurps
- rurus
- ryper
- serer
- serra
- serre
- serrs
- serry
- shirr
- sirra
- skirr
- smirr
- sorer
- sorra
- sorry
- starr
- surer
- surra
- tarre
- tarry
- terra
- terry
- tirrs
- torrs
- trier
- trior
- truer
- tryer
- urare
- urari
- urger
- verra
- verry
- warre
- whirr
- wirer
- wirra
- worry
- wrier
- wryer
- yarer
- yarrs
- yirrs
- zorro
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right.
Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Sep 15, 2022 09:58 pm