Wordle is a simple and fun game. Players must guess a five-letter secret word before their six guesses run out.
But its simplicity should not be understood as easiness. One of the game’s difficult factors is the hints that only become available with the letters of the words that were tried before. This, along with the fact that a new word is chosen every day, can often make the game really challenging, especially when the right answer is a word that isn’t used that often.
In general, it is a good idea to start the game by guessing words that contain very common letters, such as the vowels ‘A’ and ‘E’ and the consonants ‘S’, ‘L’, and ‘C’. Words like ‘SLATE’ and ‘CARES’ are good candidates. But if they don’t reveal many colored letters to you, it’s already an indicator that the correct answer is more likely to not be a very common word.
Also, the second word to be guessed when obtained not much information from the first attempt has to test new letters, unless Hard mode is enabled, which forces players to use the letters that have already been found previously. The words ‘CORNY’ and ‘PHONY’, following ‘SLATE’ and ‘CARES’, respectively, are good options. There will undoubtedly be more information to look for a more assertive third attempt.
This information is an attempt to optimize Wordle’s matches for players looking for more consistent wins. But it is important to remember that Wordle is a game that was created so that people could have fun and share their results with each other. Regardless of strategies or better words, players need to choose what will be more fun for each one, even if it means not winning some games.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘U’ and ‘E’
If you used your first guesses and were only able to figure out the presence of the letters ‘E’, ‘L’, and ‘R’ in the correct answer, but you don’t know their positions or what to guess next, here are some five-letter words with ‘E’, ‘L’, and ‘R’, sorted alphabetically so you’ll have less work to do with filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
Five-letter words with ‘E’, ‘L’, and ‘R’ to try on Wordle
- abler
- alder
- alert
- alter
- alure
- areal
- argle
- ariel
- arled
- arles
- artel
- baler
- belar
- beryl
- birle
- blaer
- blare
- blear
- blert
- blore
- bluer
- borel
- brule
- carle
- ceorl
- clear
- clerk
- creel
- cruel
- drole
- earls
- early
- elder
- elver
- enrol
- eorls
- ervil
- farle
- feral
- ferly
- filer
- flare
- fleer
- flier
- flyer
- forel
- gerle
- glare
- gluer
- gruel
- haler
- herls
- idler
- iller
- jurel
- kerel
- lacer
- lader
- laers
- lager
- laker
- lamer
- laree
- lares
- large
- laser
- later
- laver
- lawer
- laxer
- layer
- leare
- learn
- lears
- leary
- leear
- leers
- leery
- leger
- lehrs
- leirs
- lemur
- leper
- lepra
- lered
- leres
- lerps
- lever
- liber
- liers
- lifer
- liger
- liker
- liner
- liter
- litre
- liver
- livre
- loner
- loper
- lorel
- lores
- loser
- loure
- lover
- lower
- lucre
- luger
- lured
- lurer
- lures
- lurex
- lurve
- luser
- luter
- lyres
- marle
- merel
- meril
- merle
- merls
- miler
- morel
- neral
- nerol
- ogler
- oiler
- older
- oller
- oriel
- orles
- owler
- paler
- parle
- pearl
- peril
- piler
- plier
- plyer
- poler
- prole
- puler
- raile
- rales
- ratel
- ravel
- rayle
- realm
- realo
- reals
- rebel
- recal
- redly
- reels
- refel
- refly
- regal
- relax
- relay
- relet
- relic
- relie
- relit
- renal
- reoil
- repel
- repla
- reply
- revel
- riels
- rifle
- riled
- riles
- riley
- rille
- rivel
- roble
- roles
- roule
- rowel
- rubel
- ruble
- ruled
- ruler
- rules
- seral
- siler
- sleer
- slier
- slyer
- soler
- sorel
- taler
- tiler
- tyler
- ulcer
- ureal
- velar
- viler
- waler
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right.
Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Aug 15, 2022 08:38 pm