Wordle is a simple game. The goal is to find the right answer in up to six tries, but the hints are cryptic and a little help might be needed from time to time.
As Wordle became famous for being shared on social networks and became a game widely played around the world, it is common for its players to also share ideas and strategies with each other. Maybe that’s why one of the most used words to open the Wordle game is “AUDIO.”
The idea proliferated among many players that starting with a word with many vowels increases the chances of receiving a hint in the form of a yellow letter. This is true, even if you end up repeating the already discovered letters in the following attempts.
The choice of “AUDIO” however may be because, among the options for five-letter words with many vowels, it is the easiest to memorize. But, players who want to get the most out of their game should consider starting with the French word “ADIEU”. Simply including the letter “E” greatly increases the chances of getting a yellow letter.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and E in them
If your search for hints revealed that the answer ends with the letter “R” and has “A” in some position, here’s a list of five-letter words arranged alphabetically to help you out.
Five-letter words with ‘A’ and ending in ‘R’ to try on Wordle
- abear
- abhor
- abler
- acker
- actor
- adder
- aesir
- afear
- after
- agger
- aider
- aimer
- airer
- aiver
- alder
- algor
- altar
- alter
- amber
- ameer
- amour
- anear
- anger
- anker
- antar
- apgar
- apter
- arbor
- ardor
- arear
- armer
- armor
- asker
- asper
- aster
- astir
- attar
- auger
- augur
- aurar
- awner
- baker
- baler
- barer
- baser
- bazar
- begar
- belar
- blaer
- blear
- bolar
- boyar
- briar
- caber
- cager
- caner
- caper
- carer
- cater
- caver
- cedar
- chair
- charr
- cigar
- cimar
- clear
- cymar
- daker
- damar
- darer
- dater
- dazer
- deair
- debar
- denar
- dewar
- dinar
- douar
- dowar
- drear
- eager
- easer
- eater
- eggar
- embar
- escar
- eskar
- facer
- fader
- faker
- fakir
- faqir
- farer
- faver
- favor
- fayer
- feuar
- filar
- flair
- friar
- fubar
- gager
- gamer
- gaper
- gater
- gator
- gayer
- gazar
- gazer
- glair
- glaur
- gnarr
- gular
- haler
- hater
- haver
- hayer
- hazer
- hepar
- hilar
- iftar
- imbar
- invar
- jager
- jagir
- japer
- jowar
- jumar
- kabar
- kafir
- kebar
- kesar
- knaur
- labor
- lacer
- lader
- lager
- lahar
- laker
- lamer
- laser
- later
- laver
- lawer
- laxer
- layer
- lazar
- leear
- lidar
- lobar
- lunar
- macer
- major
- makar
- maker
- malar
- manor
- maror
- maser
- mater
- mayor
- mazer
- minar
- molar
- musar
- mylar
- nadir
- nagor
- naker
- namer
- navar
- nazir
- oaker
- oater
- oscar
- ottar
- pacer
- pager
- paler
- paper
- parer
- pater
- paver
- pawer
- payer
- payor
- petar
- pilar
- polar
- quair
- racer
- radar
- rager
- raker
- raper
- rarer
- raser
- rater
- raver
- rawer
- razer
- razor
- rebar
- regar
- saber
- sabir
- safer
- sager
- saker
- saner
- sapor
- saser
- satyr
- saver
- savor
- sawer
- sayer
- scaur
- segar
- sewar
- shear
- simar
- sitar
- sizar
- skear
- smear
- sofar
- solar
- sonar
- sowar
- spaer
- spear
- stair
- starr
- stear
- sugar
- swear
- symar
- taber
- tabor
- taker
- talar
- taler
- tamer
- taper
- tapir
- tasar
- taser
- tatar
- tater
- taver
- tawer
- taxer
- taxor
- tolar
- tubar
- ulnar
- unbar
- valor
- vapor
- velar
- vicar
- volar
- wader
- wafer
- wager
- waker
- waler
- water
- waver
- waxer
- wazir
- whaur
- whear
- yager
- yarer
Published: Nov 16, 2022 12:09 am