There are some great unlockables you can discover in Vampire Survivors. While you’ll earn most of them just by playing the game, you can get additional content by using special cheat codes. Whether you want to play as new characters or laugh at a funny on-screen effect, Vampire Survivors has lots of unique things to explore with cheat codes.
Unfortunately, using cheats in Vampire Survivors isn’t as simple as you think. Unlike other games, you have to earn the ability to use cheats before you can start trying them out. Luckily, it won’t take long for you to get past these obstacles and start entering cheats.
Here’s how to use cheat codes and what you can do with them in Vampire Survivors.
How to enable cheat codes in Vampire Survivors
In order to enable the use of cheat codes, you need to manually unlock the secret menu by completing a few steps beforehand. Doing this requires you to first open up The Bone Zone challenge map, which you can unlock by unlocking Hyper Mode for the game’s four standard maps. Refer to our guide on unlocking stages in Vampire Survivors to see how to open up each stage.
Once you have The Bone Zone available, enter the stage as you normally do, and look at your map for a question mark icon. Work your way over to it, destroying enemies and leveling up along the way, and you will find a boss that you’ll have to defeat. Take your time damaging the boss and destroy it at your own pace, as there’s no rush to bring it down.
The boss will drop a relic called the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane that will grant you access to the secret menu from the main menu. This allows you to enter cheat codes manually.
Entering cheat codes in Vampire Survivors
Once you have the secrets menu open, you can enter any cheat code to try out its effects. There are seven types of cheat codes in Vampire Survivors, and they all add new content or augment gameplay.
When entering cheat codes on the secrets menu, make sure to type the code in less than 30 seconds, otherwise it won’t register. Not typing the code fast enough often means it won’t be recognized, so you’ll have to try entering it again.
Main menu cheats in Vampire Survivors
There are four cheats that you can enter at the main menu. You don’t need the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane to enter these codes. You just need to be on the main menu and input the correct code. This is easy to do on the PC version of Vampire Survivors, but may not be available on console versions.
- Unlock Exdash – x-x1viiq2800
- Unlock Gold and Mortaccio character – up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, ESC, enter
- Unlock Il Molise stage – relaxenjoylife
- Unlock Randomazzo + Arcana VI – randomazzami
Secret menu cheat codes in Vampire Survivors
The following cheat codes are usable once you have unlocked the secret menu by obtaining the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. All you have to do is enter the correct phrase in the Cast Spell section of the menu.
Joke cheats
- Spin the UI for a brief time – spinnn
- Halloween alternative outfits (Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, Bianca Ramba, O’Sole Meeo) – spoopyseason
- Increases gravity, light sources and pickups accelerate downwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, double Magnet radius – onjupiter
- Decreases gravity, light sources and pickups accelerate upwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, double Magnet radius – andmars
- Enter Green Acres with lots of corn appearing – popthecorn
Unlock stage cheats
- Unlock Moonglow stage – honesty
- Unlock Green Acres stage – dotgogreenacres
- Unlock The Bone Zone stage – rottingpizza
- Unlock Boss Rash stage – peakgamedesign
- Enter Holy Forbidden (Can’t be accessed after first time without cheat code) – iwanttoseeitagain
Unlock main character cheats
- Arca Ladonna – noneladonna
- Porta Ladonna – vivaladonna
- Lama Ladonna – superladonna
- Poe Ratcho – strongestcharacter
- Dommario – bioparco
- Suor Clerici – faschiuma
- Krochi Freetto – accidenti
- Christine Davain – crystalmakeup
- Yatta Cavallo – yattapanda
- Bianca Ramba – carramba
- O’Sole Meeo – reset
- Sir Ambrojoe – languorino
Unlock relic cheats
- Grim Grimoire – thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault
- Ars Gouda – thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault
- Milky Way Map – leadmetothecheese
- Glass Vizard – eggseggseggs
- Mindbender – teleportustomars
- Great Gospel – icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet
- Magic Banger – thankelrond
- Sorceress Tears – timecompression
- Yellow Sign – ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit
Unlock secret character cheats
- Gyorunton – secondevolution
- Big Trouser – earrivatolarrotino
- Cosmo Pavone – lhovistoio
- Boon Marrabbio – fettinepanate
- Leda – iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme
- Peppino – pinociampino
- Gains Boros – highfive
- Mask of the Red Death – ablasphemousmockery
DLC cheat codes in Vampire Survivors
In addition to the cheat codes usable in the standard game, Vampire Survivors’ downloadable content packs add some extra cheat codes as well.
These cheat codes are usable once you have installed the Legacy of Moonspell and Tides of Foscari DLC packs for Vampire Survivors. Using the codes without having the downloadable content available has no effect.
Legacy of Moonspell DLC codes
- Miang Moonspell and Silver Wind – shounenheroine
- Menya Moonspell and Four Seasons – youngatheart
- Syuuto Moonspell and Summon Night – itsnotaneclipse
- Babi-Onna and Mirage Robe – vogue
- McCoy-Oni and 108 Bocce – ionicoionico
- Megalo Menya Moonspell – elamadonna
- Megalo Syuuto Moonspell and Night Sword – takeashower
- Gav’Et-Oni and Mille Bolle Blu – chevolano
Tides of Foscari DLC codes
- Eleanor Uziron and SpellString – spellsomething
- Maruto Cuts and Eskizzibur – animeismypassion
- Keitha Muort and Flash Arrow – oopsistoleoneagain
- Luminaire Foscari and Prismatic Missile – deusexmachina
- Genevieve Gruyère and Shadow Servant – basicwitch
- Je-Ne-Viv – theworldeater
- Sammy – happybirthday
- Rottin’Ghoul and Party Popper – souloftheparty
- SpellStream – spellwhatever
- SpellStrike – spellwhichever
Published: Oct 8, 2023 09:35 am