In Crusader Kings 3, your deeds as ruler, whether you are a lowly count or a mighty emperor, may be etched into history through the simple award of a nickname. There are many of them in the game, each with their own requirements. Here is what it takes to obtain each nickname in CK3.
How to obtain nicknames in CK3
There are numerous ways to be awarded a nickname in Crusader Kings 3. You can enact particular decisions that can grant you one or receive them through events. Not all nicknames can be obtained like this, as some are strictly reserved for certain characters due to historical reasons and you can only get them through the use of console commands or by playing said rulers from the start.
Nicknames from decisions
Several of these require the Northern Lords DLC, which was a content dump. Unfortunately, Legends of the Dead didn’t do the same, even though it is focused on a ruler’s place in history.
- The Anointed – Consecrate Bloodline Decision if not the head of faith
- The Apostate – Revive Taoism, or from an unknown decision part of the Northern Lords DLC
- The Avenger – Avenge the Battle of Tours
- The Blood-Father or Blood-Mother – Strengthen Bloodline
- The Bogatyr – Unite the Slavs as a male ruler
- The Crowned – Unite the Southern Slavs
- The Crusader – Form the Outremer Empire (has a 20 percent chance)
- The Dane – Restore the Danelaw
- The Defender of (God) – Defenders of (God)
- The Defiant – Secure the High Kingdom of the North Sea while following an Organized Faith in the Northern Lords DLC
- The Devourer – Faith Cannibalism
- The Divine – Consecrate Bloodline as a head of faith
- The Ecumenist – Mend the Great Schism
- The Father or Mother of Spain – Unite the Spanish Thrones
- The Glorious – Restore the Roman Empire
- The Great and Terrible – Elevate the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles (Need Northern Lords DLC)
- The Great – Found Portugal or Restore Carolingian Borders or Restore the Holy Roman Empire or Secure High Kingdom of the North Sea while also having a feudal or clan government type
- The Greedy – Sell Minor Titles
- The Heathen and the Heretic – Unknown decisions in the Northern Lords DLC
- The Holy – Form the Outremer Empire, has a 20 percent chance
- The Honorable – Sell Minor Titles
- The Judge – Restore Israel (has a 50 percent chance)
- The Knight of Gabriel – Form the Outremer Empire has a 20 percent chance for male rulers only
- The Lawgiver – Empower the Sicilian Parliament
- The Lord or Lady of the Ganges – Take Stewardship of the Sacred River
- The Man or Woman of Glass – Build a Glass Monument
- The Messenger of Christ – Form the Outremer Empire (has a 20 percent chance)
- The Plyanitsa – Unite the Slavs as a female ruler
- The Saoshyant – Become the Saoshyant
- The Scholar – Found University
- The Sea-King – Secure the High Kingdom of the North Sea as a tribal ruler (Need Northern Lords DLC)
- The Shepherd – Restore Israel (has a 50 percent chance)
- The Stupor Mundi – Empower the Sicilian Parliament as the Holy Roman Emperor who controls de jure Sicily, or be mentally or curably ill
- The Sword of God – Form the Outremer Empire (has a 20 percent chance)
- The Trojan – Restore the Kingdom of Cornwall
- The Tuatha Dé Danann – Reclaim Britannia as an Irish ruler
- The Unifier of Africa – Unite Africa
- The Virgin’s Maiden – Form the Outremer Empire as a female ruler (has a 20 percent chance)
- The Weak – Neighboring ruler refused the Negotiate the Danelaw decision
- The Wend – Unite the Western Slavs
Nicknames from Events
The following are exclusively from events and are triggered primarily by your character’s pursued lifestyle. Note that none of these are unlocked within the lifestyle paths themselves, nor are they related to personal traits your ruler carries. We’ll list those in a separate section below.
- The Brave – Martial lifestyle
- The Blessed – Have a high opinion with your head of faith
- The Brute – Martial lifestyle
- The Bully – Stewardship lifestyle
- The (Culture) Wall – Successfully defend yourself versus 10 Viking Adventurer attacks
- The Dirty – Tournament
- The Dry – has a 20 percent chance after you imprison the Riddler and have no nickname in the Game of Riddles yearly event (Need Northern Lords DLC)
- The Dull – the same as The Dry
- The Fishy – Learning lifestyle
- The Flayer – Intrigue lifestyle
- The Foolish – Martial lifestyle
- The Fury – Martial lifestyle
- Fear-Eater – Martial lifestyle
- The Hawk – Martial lifestyle
- The Heartbreaker – Intrigue lifestyle
- The Holy – Martial lifestyle event or from having a high opinion with your head of faith
- The Imperious – Martial lifestyle
- The Joyless – Game of the Riddles yearly event from the Northern Lords DLC, same as The Dry and the Dull
- Lack-Laughs– Same as The Joyless and others
- The Linguist – fail a diplomacy event with your overlord
- The Merciless – Martial lifestyle
- The Meticulous – Stewardship lifestyle
- The Mindbreaker – Intrigue lifestyle
- Nord-Foe – Granted if you successfully fend off 10 Viking Adventurer attacks
- The Scholar – Spouse tutoring event
- The Snorer – Has a low chance of obtaining when you doze off without a nickname during the Hardest Part of Ruling yearly event (Need Northern Lords DLC)
- The Stalwart – Martial lifestyle
- The Stonefaced – Same as the Dry, The Dull, and The Joyless
- The Unrelenting – Martial lifestyle
- The Wise – Spouse tutoring event
- Troll-Slayer – Obtainable by killing the best while carrying a bad nickname during the In the Deep Places of the World yearly events. Also have a low chance of obtaining for doing the same without carrying a nickname at all. (Need Northern Lords DLC)
Nicknames from lifestyle paths
One of three nicknames can be obtained if a certain combination of lifestyle perks and character traits is made. Keep in mind that you need to not already have a nickname to get one of the following.
- The Magnanimous or The Magnificent or The Peacemaker – Given after two completed Diplomacy perks to characters with Ambitious or Arrogant traits
- The Affable or The Diplomat or The Kind – Given to characters after two Diplomacy perks if they have Content, Humble or Shy traits
- The Conqueror or The Hard Ruler or The Noble – Given to characters focused on Martial learning who complete two perks and have Ambitious or Arrogant traits
- The Guardian or The Tactician or The Valiant – Given to Martial-focused characters if they are Content, Shy, or Humble
- The Architect or The Just or The Lawgiver – Given after two completed Stewardship perks if a character is Arrogant or Ambitious
- The Benevolent or The Elegant or The Generous – Obtained by Shy, Humble, or Content characters after two completed perks in the Stewardship tree
- The Crow or The Impaler or The Shadow – Arrogant and Ambitious characters can get these nicknames after two completed Intrigue perks
- The Sly or The Spider or The Whisperer – Granted to Shy, Content, and Humble characters after two Intrigue perks
- The Chronicler or The Enlightened or The Truthseeker – Obtainable by Learning-focused characters with Arrogant or Ambitious traits after two completed perks
- The Historian or The Sage or The Scholar – Obtainable by Learning-focused characters after two completed perks if they are Shy, Humble, or Content
Published: Mar 14, 2024 01:59 pm