The Fortnite v10.10 Content Update yesterday brought a freebie to all players who log into the game soon.
Anyone who simply opened the game and chose Battle Royale to play has automatically received the special spray Stay Smooth for free. Epic Games is giving it away for an indefinite period for players in any region or platform to celebrate the release of the Middle Eastern servers.
“We’re excited to announce Middle East servers have come to Fortnite,” Epic said. “Enjoy this spray as a celebratory gift.”
All players have to do is click the “collect and close” button to see the new spray available in their locker.
Epic hasn’t said how long it’ll offer Stay Smooth to players, so it’s a good idea to log into your account as soon as possible if you really want it. If you’re reading this story at a later date and didn’t receive this message when you logged in, first check if you haven’t unlocked the spray before. If not, you’ve likely missed this freebie and it’s unclear if Epic will ever add it back to the game as a special reward or an Item Shop cosmetic.
If you want an end date for this promotion, you should consider a worst-case scenario of a one-week celebratory period. That means you should try to log in before Aug. 27 to get it.
This is one of the few times Epic is giving away an item to celebrate something. Players usually get free cosmetics when they’re getting compensated for a mistake on the company’s end, such as when it released the Gunner pet that looked a lot like the Battle Pass pet Bonesy. The company stopped selling Gunner and refunded buyers 1,000 V-Bucks and a bonus 200 V-Bucks to apologize.
But this time, you just need to hop into the game as soon as you can to get Stay Smooth.
Published: Aug 21, 2019 09:10 am