The latest addition to the Street Fighter franchise, Street Fighter V, has remained one of the most popular fighting games since it was first released in 2016.
Boasting a massive roster of characters from the previous games in the series, Street Fighter V is the most complete title to date. While the franchise has consistently produced high-quality fighting experiences, one thing that has kept players coming back to this entry has been the ranked mode.
In the ranked mode, players can compete with people around the world to find out where they stack up. The system is simple, but for newer players, getting a grasp on the rankings can be confusing.
Here’s everything you need to know about Street Fighter V’s ranked system.
How to rank up in Street Fighter V
Ranking up in Street Fighter V is as simple as it gets. Players compete against one another and the winner moves closer to reaching a new ranking.
Ranks are determined through a ladder points system. Every time you win a game, you will be awarded more points and when you lose a game, some of your points will be taken away.
Playing against other people that share your ranking is the most balanced way to climb, since there’s a set amount of points you will gain or lose depending on the result.
Those players who face off against someone of a higher rank will be awarded extra points for a victory and will lose slightly less in defeat. Alternatively, if you defeat a player with a lower ranking, your reward will be reduced but suffering a loss in this matchup will have a harsher consequence.
Ranks in Street Fighter V
In Street Fighter V, there are 20 unique ranks players will progress through as they compete. These begin with Rookie and max out at the rank of Warlord.
Each rank is assigned a corresponding range of ladder points that players must fall between to obtain the title.
Here are all the ranks currently in the game.
Rookie | 0-499 LP |
Bronze | 500-999 LP |
Super Bronze | 1,000-1499 LP |
Ultra Bronze | 1,500-1,999 LP |
Silver | 2,000-2,999 LP |
Super Silver | 3,000-3,499 LP |
Ultra Silver | 3,500-3,999 LP |
Gold | 4,000-5,499 LP |
Super Gold | 5,500-6,499 LP |
Ultra Gold | 6,500-7,499 LP |
Platinum | 7,500-9,999 LP |
Super Platinum | 10,000-11,999 LP |
Ultra Platinum | 12,000-13,999 LP |
Diamond | 14,000-19,999 LP |
Super Diamond | 20,000-25,000 LP |
Ultra Diamond | 25,000-30,000 LP |
Master | 30,000-34,999 LP |
Grand Master | 35,000-99,999 LP |
Ultimate Grand Master | 100,000-299,999 LP |
Warlord | 300,000+ LP |
Published: May 2, 2021 12:10 pm