Mortal Kombat has brought gruesome action to our screens since 1992 and it still packs a punch today. So far, there’s been 11 MK titles but it seems one, in particular, has the strongest chance of being remade.
Julio_Kann shared a poster they created on Twitter, which showcased images of several MK4 characters and caught the attention of one of the creators of the title. Ed Boon, said co-creator, retweeted the fan-made poster featuring the updated designs.
“I’ve definitely considered this over the years,” he said, filling all MK4 fans with hope. The title was originally released in 1997, and after 30 years of refining the franchise, the remake could be a sight to behold.
Depending on what platform you played the title on, you were most likely in for a good time. When it was released, players on N64, PlayStation, and PC seemed to love the title. Gameboy users had to suffer with a smaller selection of characters and unresponsive controls.
After titles like Dead Space have launched back into the gaming sphere with remasters, it’s not hard to believe a Mortal Kombat 4 remake could soon be in the works. If it’s one of the co-creator’s favorites, there’s an even stronger chance.
However, if it a remake never sees the light of day, Mortal Kombat 12’s reveal is on the way, so MK fans will at least have a chance to see horrifying new fatalities.
Published: Jan 29, 2023 10:23 pm