Special skills can be unlocked by visiting Vocation Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and the Warrior Maister gives you plenty to do to learn his teachings. We’ve got everything you need to know on how to find him.
Once you unlock the Warrior Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can seek out Beren to learn his teachings. Before he does that, however, you must complete his questline that will have you traveling across Vermund.
We’ve got all the details you need on the Warrior Maister Beren here, including where to find him and how to complete his questline.
Where to find the Warrior Maister in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Warrior Maister in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is found at the Moonglow Garden. This is located directly west of the Borderwatch outpost and northwest of Melve.
You can quickly return to this region by boarding an Oxcart from Vernworth bound for Melve and walking the rest of the distance. During the day, Beren, the Warrior Maister, can be found outside his tent.
If you visit the location and Beren is not there, walk to the nearby campsite and rest until the morning, then return to the location.
How to complete the Claw Them Into Shape quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Before you receive the teachings of Warrior Maister Beren, he will ask for your help procuring items and provide a questline to complete.
Where to procure weapons for the Claw Them Into Shape quest
Three swords must be purchased for the Claw Them Into Shape quest, which can be purchased from any vendor.
I headed to the Borderwatch Outpost nearby, but you can also just speak to the Armoury in Vernworth. You have to head there anyway to fulfill the second requirement for the quest.
Alternatively, you can find weapons by opening chests scattered across the world. There is no guarantee you will receive what you need, however, so purchasing them is a much quicker option.
Where to find a motivated soldier for the Claw Them Into Shape quest

The NPC you need to find is located in Vernworth, which you can return to quickly by venturing to Melve and taking an Oxcart. You can use a Portcrystal to return to the city even quicker, but I recommend saving them for occasions where using an Oxcart isn’t possible.
Humphrey, the NPC you are looking for, is found near the Merchant Quarter in Vernworth. You do not need to speak to random NPCs you see because Humphrey approaches you when you are near and asks you to train him. Tell him of Beren, and he will travel to meet him.
Return to Beren by taking advantage of the Oxcart and traveling to Melve, then walking the rest of the distance on foot. Hand in the weapons you procured, and he requests a fight—it does not matter whether you win or lose.
At the end of the fight, Beren is informed of a Goblin attack. Travel with him to the location and you learn the fight is over, but Beren is dismissed from his post as a recruit was gravely injured. Return to Moonglow Garden to find Beren and speak with him.
Defeat the Cyclops that attacks and return to Beren another day. Make use of the nearby campsite to advance time so you can complete the quest quickly. When you return, he informs you he is moving to Battahl.
Where to find Beren’s childhood home in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Head to Beren’s childhood home in Battahl to receive Beren’s teachings and finally unlock the special ability. It can be found just south of the Checkpoint Rest Time after you pass the border—but you’ll need a pass.
Captain Brandt will provide a permit as you progress through the main quest. Once you have completed several of his quests, the Coronation option will open up, resulting in a cutscene. Afterward, you are instructed to travel to Battahl and can now cross the border.
Published: Mar 22, 2024 06:38 am