The fifth major Disney Dreamlight Valley content update brought with it the first Dream Bundle on June 7. Players who choose to purchase this content will unlock a variety of exclusive assets, including the “Sprouting a Story” quest where they’ll need to track down a ton of scattered storybook pages for Wall-E.
This quest will only be available for players to complete if they choose to purchase the Wall-E bundle from the premium shop and is quite an undertaking for players who do obtain it. Throughout this quest, players will need to navigate around most of the biomes to track down a series of pages for a storybook.
The “Sprouting a Story” quest will immediately begin after players first find a book on Dazzle Beach to trigger it. Wall-E will want players to read to his plant to help make it healthy again, but the pages of the book will be missing so players will need to go around gathering them.
All storybook page locations for Wall-E’s Sprouting a Story quest
This quest takes place over three parts with a total of 50 pages that players must collect. The first part asks players to search the Peaceful Meadow and Dazzle Beach, the second takes players to the Glade of Trust and the Forest of Valor, and the final part occurs throughout the Sunlit Plateau and Frosted Heights.
Players will navigate through each of these biomes to find storybook pages. They can be trapped in Night Thorns, frozen in ice chunks, surrounded by big purple mushrooms, or simply lying on the ground for players to pick up.
Depending on how many decorations you have throughout your biomes, these pages might be tough to spot. The best way to find all of them is to look out for sparkles around each biome since every page will be sparkling at all times.
Related: How to make the Rainbow Potion in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Here are all the locations where I found the storybook pages. These locations might vary slightly from player to player as Gameloft sometimes has items like these spawn randomly, but players should still check these areas regardless as all pages should be around these areas.
All Peaceful Meadow storybook page locations
I found four of the pages scattered around the Peaceful Meadow biome. Two were trapped by Night Thorns and the other two were lying on the ground.
- Near the arched tree pathway that leads players down from the Peaceful Meadow biome to the Glade of Trust biome, one page can be found lying on the ground.
- Another page can be found around the middle area of the Peaceful Meadow biome sitting trapped among Night Thorns. Players can use their magic to clear the Night Thorns and claim the page.
- One page is trapped in Night Thorns at the bottom of the steps leading from the Plaza to the Peaceful Meadow biome. These Night Thorns are slightly to the side of the stairs.
- One page is lying on the ground near the far eastern wall of the Peaceful Meadow biome.
All Dazzle Beach storybook page locations
All of the pages players find around the Dazzle Beach biome will either be trapped by Night Thorns or lying on the ground ready to be picked up.
- I found one of the pages on the far left side of Dazzle Beach, close to the ramp that takes players to the Glade of Trust biome. This page is stuck in some Night Thorns that players need to clear to claim it.
- On the left side of the Dazzle Beach biome right near the bottom of the grand staircase that leads players into the biome, I found another page sitting on the ground.
- Right outside of the Mystical Cave, another page is lying on the ground. This one was particularly tricky to find since it was partially hidden under the pedestal sitting outside of the cave.
- One page is right by Skull Rock, which is behind the small island sitting to the south of Dazzle Beach.
- Another page is trapped by Night Thorns in the general middle area of the eastern part of the Dazzle Beach biome. I found it to the east of the pier and to the south of the Mystical Cave.
- I found another page lying just behind the last one. This page was extremely close to the other one but situated a bit closer to the Mystical Cave.
After collecting all 10 pages, players can then proceed with the “Sprouting a Story” quest by returning to Wall-E’s home with them. Players will read part of the story to Wall-E before then realizing even more pages are missing, so they’ll then need to gather 18 more from around the Glade of Trust and Forest of Valor biomes.
All Glade of Trust storybook page locations
Most of the pages I found in this biome were scattered around on the ground, but a few were also trapped in purple mushrooms and one was located within Mother Gothel’s house.
- Head into Mother Gothel’s house, which is the massive willow tree in the middle of the Glade of Trust biome. Inside you’ll find one page lying on the ground.
- Right outside of Mother Gothel’s house, I found two pages trapped in giant purple mushrooms.
- Another page was lying in the northeast region of the Glade of Trust biome right by the very edge of this area.
- The next page was only a few feet away from the last one and can be found by walking slightly more toward the Dazzle Beach biome.
- Head south slightly for the next page, which is still quite close to the last two. I have Goofy’s house placed right between them, but if you don’t have a house located here, you should be able to gather all three quite quickly.
All Forest of Valor storybook page locations
In this biome, players will find pages trapped in ice chunks and Night Thorns. There are also a few in Elsa’s ice cave and the rest are lying around on the ground.
- The first page I found was right outside to the right of Elsa’s cave. It was trapped in ice near the pond.
- Head over to the left side of Elsa’a cave near the ramp that leads up to the Frosted Heights biome to claim the next page.
- Walk forward from where you found the last page until you reach the middle part of the biome. If you still have the white sign placed in this area, you’ll find the page trapped in Night Thorns next to it.
- Turn right slightly to find another page lying on the ground nearby.
- Between Elsa’s ice cave and the wooden bridge leading up to the Frosted Heights biome, I found another page trapped in ice.
- Elsa’s ice cave has a few pages inside for players to collect. The first one is trapped in ice right as you walk inside.
- The next page is sitting between the two ice statues by the throne.
- The last page inside Elsa’s ice cave is across the bridge and is trapped in ice.
- Back outside in the regular part of the Forest of Valor biome, head over to the river near the rocky bridge that leads to the other side and you’ll find another page right by it.
- The next page is on the other side of the biome toward the southwest region of it. This page is trapped by Night Thorns.
- From the last page, walk back toward the river running through the middle of the Forest of Vaor biome. Near it, you’ll find the storybook page.
- Walk over to the wall separating the Forest of Valor biome from the Dazzle Beach biome. Close to where the ramp leading down to the beach is, you will find another page lying about.
After collecting all 18 of these pages, players can then return to walk with Wall-E once more. The last scavenger hunt for this quest will then begin as players move on to track down the final 22 pages.
All Sunlit Plateau storybook page locations
In the Sunlit Plateau biome, players will only find pages either in Night Thorns or scattered on the ground. I thought they might also appear in the giant purple mushrooms or the old bone clusters, but none of them did.
- The first page I found in this biome is right near the top of the ramp leading up to it from the Plaza.
- Walk to the middle area of the biome near where you entered from and another page will be lying there.
- Head back toward the wall between the Sunlit Plateau biome and the Plaza. I found a page trapped in Night Thorns right by this wall.
- Follow the wall toward the south and you’ll come across another page trapped in Night Thorns.
- Near the entrance to the Vitalys Mines, you’ll find a storybook page lying on the ground.
- By the wall between the Sunlit Plateau biome and the Glade of Trust biome, there is another page trapped in Night Thorns.
- Proceed past the river to the southwest region of this sunny biome. Near the corner, you’ll find another page.
- From where you found the last page, walk closer to the wall near the very corner to pick up another page.
- This page is near the center of the biome to the left of the river that runs through it.
- I spent quite a while searching the Sunlit Plateau biome before deciding to check inside the Vitalys Mines. The last page in this area is hiding just inside the mines on the ground by the entrance.
All Frosted Heights storybook page locations
Players will find the next batch of storybook pages in ice chunks, trapped by Night Thorns, and on the ground.
- Two pages can be found in the southeast corner of the Frosted Heights biome.
- Near the river that runs through the Frosted Heights biome, there is a page encased in ice.
- Head toward the northeast corner of the Frosted Heights biome to find the next page lying among some Night Thorns.
- Walk slightly toward the wall separating the Frosted Heights biome from the Forest of Valor biome and you’ll find the next page.
- In the very northeast corner of the Frosted Heights biome, you’ll find two pages lying on the ground.
- Another page is close to the river in the eastern area of this biome.
- Cross over one of the bridges to enter the west part of this biome. The next page is fairly close to the river.
- Another page can be found near the wall between the Frosted Heights biome and the Forest of Valor just above where Elsa’s cave is.
- Turn around from where you found the last page and proceed slightly to the north of the biome. Here, you’ll find another page trapped by Night Thorns.
- Right by the ramp in the very southwest corner of the biome is the final page you’ll need to complete this quest.
After collecting the final batch of pages, players will need to locate Wall-E’s missing plant before they can then read him the final pages and conclude the quest. Wall-E will grant players some materials like Iron Ore and Star Coins for their effort and players will also have their friendship with him massively increase, although those who have already reached level 10 friendship with Wall-E won’t be able to level up their friendship beyond this.
Others Asked
What must players do before they can enter a DreamSnaps challenge in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
Players must first unlock the DreamSnaps gameplay feature by completing “The Haunting of Dreamlight Valley” quest from Scrooge McDuck, followed by the “Faith, Trust, and Pixel Dust” quest to unlock Vanellope.
What must players do to unlock Stitch in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
Players must complete a time-gated questline to unlock Stitch in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
How can players obtain Dreamlight in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
Players can obtain Dreamlight by completing friendship quests with different characters and performing daily activities like harvesting vegetables, selling meals, and feeding critters.
Published: Jun 9, 2023 02:13 pm