There’s a lot to be excited for in Modern Warfare 3 if you’re a Call of Duty fan. While many features are carrying over from MW2, there will be a new equipment/perk system that will let you customize your multiplayer operators in new ways, all of which will be accessible via your custom class menu.
The custom class or custom loadout maker has been a massive part of the Call of Duty multiplayer system for years now, letting players customize everything they want to take with them on the battlefield. MW3 will be no exception, and you’ll be able to create a plethora of classes for different types of modes and situations.
Here’s how you can create custom loadouts or custom classes in MW3.
Creating a custom class in MW3, explained
To access the create-a-class feature in MW3, you will need to reach player level four. Your player level can be increased just by playing the game, but you will be able to level up faster by completing daily challenges. Keep in mind that if you reach level four during the MW3 open beta, you will have to do so again when the game fully launches as your player level progress will be reset.
Once you reach level four, you will have access to custom loadouts. You can find loadouts under the Weapons tab in the multiplayer menu. Within a single loadout, you will have complete control over your primary weapon, secondary weapon, tactical equipment, lethal equipment, Field Upgrade, and different gloves, boots, and gear that all determine what perks you’ll have.
After you’ve determined all the parts of your class, you can save it, rename it, copy it into another loadout slot, or favorite it so you start any match with that class loaded and ready to go. At this time, there’s a maximum of 10 custom loadouts you can have.
Published: Oct 11, 2023 7:25 PM UTC