So, you want to learn to quickscope in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? You’ve come to the right place.
To many who have played CoD, whether it be a hardened veteran from the zzirGrizz days or a budding newbie eager to get their hands on their first Intervention, quickscoping is a way of life. However, things have changed significantly since the days of CoD 4’s M40A1.
For the better part of two decades, players have been quickscoping their way through every multiplayer game mode CoD could offer—even Search and Destroy, although we wouldn’t recommend that. But what if you’re brand new to the concept, or have an idea of how to quickscope but aren’t sure about how to proceed when it comes to the sniper rifle or class setup?
Here is our guide to the best quickscoping loadout in MW2.
Quickscoping in CoD, a guide
What is quickscoping? The term was coined in the early days of CoD and Counter-Strike, and is used to describe a particular way to use a sniper or marksman rifle. Normally, a player would hold the stick or right mouse to “scope” into their sniper rifle and wait for an enemy to pass the center of the crosshair.
However, it was discovered that, during the scope-in animation and before switching to the zoomed vision, a player could fire a shot accurately down range. Obviously, the closer the enemy the higher your chances are of hitting the shot, but nevertheless, the stopping power of a sniper rifle without needing to wait to scope? It was a gamechanger.
Once word spread, quickscoping caught on immediately, and the rest was history.

To quickscope, you’ll want to equip a sniper or marksman rifle, and practice timing your shot as your crosshair closes into the center of your screen. Press right click (PC), left trigger (Xbox) or the L2 button (PlayStation) to begin scoping in, then fire and unscope just as your screen is about to flip into the scope screen. If you’ve timed it right, your shot should land.
It’s not something you can pick up straight away: Quickscoping is a skill that takes time to master, so if you find yourself a little off, keep practicing—it’s the only way to improve.
Once you think you’ve got the basics down-pat, it’s time to choose your weapon.
Best MW2 quickscoping weapon
2019’s MW changed the game when it came to quickscoping. Sniper rifles felt heavier and slower, and while marksman rifles were introduced to cater to those wanting to quickscope, they lacked the stopping power to guarantee kills at times. As a result, many players switched it up and opted for a marksman rifle instead.

The SA-B 50 fits the bill for many players who are looking to quickscope in MW2. It has a superior fire rate and ADS speed compared to sniper rifles, meaning you’ll be able to chain your shots together quickly. It has a moderate range, but players shouldn’t be looking to quickscope targets that are too far away.
This loadout is ideal for a close-to-mid-range battle, with a focus on rechamber speed, handling, and movement accuracy while also boosting range enough to guarantee a one-hit kill at medium range.
Best quickscope class attachments in MW2
There should be two focuses for your quickscoping class: boosting your handling and improving your aim-down-sight speed (ADS).
This set of attachments and tuning is an ideal balance of fast scoping, swift reloading, and without sacrificing much in the way of range or accuracy. For the SA-B 50, we’re also boosting range as without it, you’ll find shots at medium range will only tag enemies.

- Ammunition: .308 High Velocity
- Bolt: FSS ST87 Bolt
- Barrel: 18.5″ Bryson LR Factory
- Optic: Forge Tac Delta 4
- Stock: FTAC EZX-Pro
Attachments in? Time for some perks.
Best perks to use with a quickscope class in MW2
In MW2, you’ll select four perks to go with your class: two Base Perks, one Bonus Perk, and one Ultimate Perk.
The best perks to pair with your quickscope class are:
- Base Perks: Scavenger and Double Time
- Bonus Perk: Fast Hands
- Ultimate Perk: Quick Fix or Ghost
Scavenger will help keep you fully equipped, granting ammunition and replacement Throwing Knives (your ideal lethal equipment, by the way) when you run over dead enemies. Double Time should be your second choice, boosting mobility and enhancing your tactical sprint.
The bonus perk, Fast Hands, is key to the build. The perk gives a massive benefit when it comes to your reload and weapon swap speed. Given you’ll be stopping and starting when quickscoping, getting your weapon prepared and reloading faster will ultimately yield more kills in the long run.
I’m offering two options for your ultimate perk. Quick Fix has saved me numerous times after losing health in a gunfight, granting immediate health regeneration after landing a killing blow.
However, if you think you’ve got quickscoping locked in, switch up to Ghost. Remaining hidden from UAVs and Portable Radars means you’ll get the drop on enemies in many cases, setting you up to land the kill before they even know you’re there.
As new weapons or attachments are introduced this guide will be updated to ensure you’re always kept up-to-date on the best loadout to quickscope with in MW2.
Published: Oct 10, 2023 9:50 AM UTC