The bot lane position in League of Legends is usually associated with marksmen, though sometimes other picks make their way up to the top in terms of win rate. That’s particularly visible in Patch 13.12, where the best six picks for the role aren’t AD carries, but other champs.
Karthus, Yasuo, Ziggs, Seraphine, Swain, and Cassiopeia rule the AD carry position in Challenger at the time of publishing by having the six highest win rates respectively, according to a stats site U.GG. The best champion on the list is Karthus, who’s been boasting a jaw-dropping 58.15 percent win rate in Patch 13.12 so far.
Yasuo, the second on the list, has recorded a 57.03 percent win rate so far, with the following four champions accumulating win rates between 51 and 55 percent. The best AD carry on the list is Kalista, who has recorded a 51.81 percent win rate and sits in seventh place. Ashe, Nilah, and Ezreal follow her in the eighth, ninth, and 10th positions, respectively.
Seeing mages reign supreme in the AD carry position is nothing out of the ordinary. Karthus and Seraphine have been regularly sitting on the top of the bottom lane in terms of win rate, thanks to their crowd control and massive ability power damage, which is often hard to counter. Although this time around it’s surprising to see so many of them stacked at the top.
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The latest update brought a bunch of changes to items used regularly by the AD carries, like Bloodthirster, Galeforce, Immortal Shieldbow, Phantom Dancer, and Stattik Shiv.
Besides, the best-performing traditional AD carry in Patch 13.11 in Challenger, Kog’Maw, has been nerfed. So judging by the recent stats, it looks like the changes didn’t precisely work out in ADCs favor, especially when it comes to the highest rankings.
Published: Jun 20, 2023 09:10 am