Imagine a utopian world where humans live in harmony with their loyal robots. Although seemingly impossible at first, this was reality for humans of Atomic Heart. Now, these days are nothing but a distant memory as this FPS action role-playing and Soviet Union-inspired game steers in a different direction with the latest launch of the robot-control system. Now, you’re tasked with taming the mutant creatures on the rise and trying to repel machines and superpowered robots that suddenly no longer serve their masters.
In Atomic Heart, you can’t create a custom-tailored character. Instead, you’ll play as the main story character—Sergey Alekseyevich “P-3” Nechaev. In the words of the developing company, Mundfish, P-3 is: “an experienced soldier and a veteran of numerous battles, Major Nechaev is a rather pensive and gloomy individual, although this doesn’t stop him from constantly making caustic remarks.”
Related: Best early upgrades in Atomic Heart
Throughout the game, you’ll encounter many more NPCs, some striking you as remarkable when you first meet them, and others being nothing more than random strangers you’ll never meet again. Nonetheless, here’s the full list of all voice English voice actors featured in Atomic Heart.
All English voice actors in Atomic Heart
At the moment, we have the list of all voice actors featured in Atomic Heart, but we can’t assign any name to any specific character in the game as the credits at the very end of the game only lists the contributing voice actors. As you prick up your ears to hopefully assign a voice to the actor, here’s the full list of English voice actors that make an appearance in Atomic Heart:
- Adam Simms
- Alex Jordan
- Alexander Ballinger
- Alexander Capon
- Bill Hope
- Cherise Silvestri
- Chris Ragland
- Dev Joshi
- Diana Bermudez
- Elena Saurel
- Eric Loren
- Eric Meyers
- Eric Sigmundsson
- Eve Karpf
- Garrick Hagon
- Glenn Wrage
- Graham Vick
- Ian Portez
- Jay Rincon
- John Schwab
- Jules De Jongh
- Kerry Shale
- Laurel Lefkow
- Laurence Bouvard
- Lewis Macleod
- Mac Mcdonald
- Martin T Sherman
- Meaghan Martin
- Mike Bodie
- Peter Brooke
- Peter Marinker
- Rachel Atkins
- Samantha Kamras
- Shai Matheson
- Stephanie Cannon
- Taylor Clarke Hill
- Vincent Lai
- William Roberts
Published: Feb 21, 2023 07:13 am