Wordle is a game that attracts many players for its simplicity and agility. A relaxed and quick game to play, with lots of people sharing their results on social media. Many players have even played during streams, increasing the hype among their fans.
Naturally, the success of the word game spawned other fan-made versions. Although the most diverse themes can be found on the internet, the favorite variants usually have some points in common, such as the possibility of playing several times in a random mode, in addition to the daily challenge mode that was originally brought by Wordle.
Players usually start with Wordle before moving on to its variants as it has only one word to discover per day. Sometimes help may be needed so players don’t end up getting stuck. If the first attempts are gone and all that was discovered were the letters ‘RI’, here are some five-letter words with ‘RI’, sorted alphabetically to help you figure out the answer.
Five-letter words with ‘RI’ to try on Wordle
- abris
- acari
- acrid
- aerie
- afrit
- agria
- amrit
- arias
- ariel
- arils
- arise
- arris
- atria
- atrip
- auric
- auris
- baric
- boric
- briar
- bribe
- brick
- bride
- brief
- brier
- bries
- brigs
- brill
- brims
- brine
- bring
- brink
- brins
- briny
- brios
- brisk
- briss
- brith
- brits
- britt
- burin
- capri
- cauri
- ceria
- ceric
- cirri
- coria
- cribs
- crick
- cried
- crier
- cries
- crime
- crimp
- cripe
- crisp
- crits
- curia
- curie
- curio
- daric
- dribs
- dried
- drier
- dries
- drift
- drill
- drily
- drink
- drips
- dript
- drive
- eerie
- erica
- eyrie
- eyrir
- feria
- friar
- fried
- frier
- fries
- frigs
- frill
- frise
- frisk
- frith
- frits
- fritt
- fritz
- frizz
- gride
- grids
- grief
- griff
- grift
- grigs
- grill
- grime
- grimy
- grind
- grins
- griot
- gripe
- grips
- gript
- gripy
- grist
- grith
- grits
- houri
- indri
- irids
- iring
- jerid
- karri
- kauri
- krill
- kukri
- kyrie
- laari
- laris
- libri
- loris
- lurid
- lyric
- maria
- merit
- mirid
- mirin
- murid
- naric
- naris
- noria
- noris
- oorie
- oribi
- oriel
- orris
- ourie
- padri
- paris
- peril
- peris
- poori
- porin
- price
- prick
- pricy
- pride
- pried
- prier
- pries
- prigs
- prill
- prima
- prime
- primi
- primo
- primp
- prims
- prink
- prion
- prior
- prise
- prism
- priss
- privy
- prize
- purin
- puris
- pyric
- rerig
- rials
- riant
- riata
- ribby
- ribes
- riced
- ricer
- rices
- ricin
- ricks
- rider
- rides
- ridge
- ridgy
- riels
- rifer
- riffs
- rifle
- rifts
- right
- rigid
- rigor
- riled
- riles
- riley
- rille
- rills
- rimed
- rimer
- rimes
- rinds
- rindy
- rings
- rinks
- rinse
- rioja
- riots
- riped
- ripen
- riper
- ripes
- risen
- riser
- rises
- rishi
- risks
- risky
- risus
- rites
- ritzy
- rival
- rived
- riven
- river
- rives
- rivet
- riyal
- sarin
- saris
- scrim
- scrip
- serif
- serin
- shris
- sprig
- sprit
- stria
- strip
- tetri
- thrip
- toric
- torii
- triac
- triad
- trial
- tribe
- trice
- trick
- tried
- trier
- tries
- trigo
- trigs
- trike
- trill
- trims
- trine
- triol
- trios
- tripe
- trips
- trite
- unrig
- unrip
- urari
- urial
- urine
- uteri
- varia
- varix
- virid
- wrick
- wried
- wrier
- wries
- wring
- wrist
- write
- writs
- xeric
- zoril
- zoris
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Jun 14, 2022 10:11 pm