Of all the enemy types in Helldivers 2, one particularly stands out as the most annoying—the Hunter. Everyone hates on the Chargers, but Hunters are well beyond them. However, players have figured out how to deal with them, and the secret lies with one simple Booster pack.
A March 19 Reddit thread came about comparing the effect of the Hunters’ slow on Helldivers with and without the Muscle Enhancement Booster. Those empty-handed or too focused on their ammunition and reconnaissance were slowed into oblivion and subsequently chopped to pieces by the small but lethal bug. On the other hand, the Helldiver with Muscle Enhancement could, while also suffering through some of its effects, push through the slow and emerge alive and ready to return the favor in the form of 12-gauge shotgun shells.
While the slow is still substantial enough to let the Hunter continuously strike you, it is alleviated enough to create more room for reaction and efficient fighting. The Hunters’ main strength lies in their numbers and constant slows that pin you down and stunlock you. Muscle Enhancement does away with the latter and you can at least try to fight back.
Of course, the replies were more than rejoiced with this discovery which lay under everyone’s noses for a while. “Hunters ain’t got shit on me now,” one user wrote. Another user claimed they were well aware of the usefulness of stamina-boosting enhancements. “Never leave home without one,” they said. Most players usually opt to take either the radar Booster so they can see all the hidden caches, or take max ammo. If those are already occupied, there is usually someone with no Booster at all running the match and rolling the dice.
The Muscle Enhancement Booster comes as a life-saving option for higher Helldivers 2 difficulties where dozens of Hunters or their elderly kin, the Stalkers, can spawn simultaneously and try to take you down. If nothing else, you’ll be able to run away. At least until another dozen emerge from around the corner.
Published: Mar 19, 2024 01:41 pm