King of the Jungle is a powerful Rune for Feral Druid that use either the Cat or Bear form. If you are trying to drastically increase your shapeshifting form’s damage, then this is what you need to prioritize this Rune.
Feral Druids were silently among the best melee DPS in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase one. Recent Runes, such as the King of the Jungle, could stand to help Druid players shoot up to the top of DPS charts. If you are trying to find this Rune in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, here’s what you should know.
Where to get the King of the Jungle Rune in WoW SoD
To get the King of the Jungle Rune in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, you need to speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp at Deadwind Pass in the Eastern Kingdoms. This NPC will give you a valuable tool called Ariden’s Sigil.
Ariden’s Sigil is an item that allows you to detect nearby Dark Riders. Dark Riders are level 41 Elite mobs that drop Dalaran Relics. These Dalaran Relics are required to turn in to the Dalaran Agent in order to get the King of the Jungle Rune, along with several other phase two Runes.
To get any Rune associated with Dark Riders, you need to slay seven total Dark Riders and get their accompanying Relics. This is a globetrotting task that requires you to visit all seven different zones. Given these mini bosses can be extremely challenging, it is best to take these on in groups of five or more.
King of the Jungle Rune in WoW SoD, Explained
The King of the Jungle Rune is a passive in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery that can increase physicals damage for Druid players. While active, Tiger’s Fury now increases all physical damage you deal by 15 percent and instantly gives you 60 Energy. Tiger’s Fury also no long is on a global cooldown, and is instead replaced with a static 30-second cooldown.
Published: Feb 15, 2024 06:17 pm