WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery isn’t even live yet, but players are already trying to guess how the boundaries of the game will be broken.
In a thread posted to the Classic WoW subreddit earlier today, players shared their predictions for the most notable and notorious feats they think people are going to accomplish in the first phase of the Season of Discovery. Some claimed that absurdly high-level dungeons are going to be run, wildly out-of-range zones are going to get traversed, and there might even be some classes who will be able to solo farm enemies that go way past the level cap of 25.
One of the more realistic predictions in the thread claimed that players will be going into high-level zones to farm materials and reagents despite being wildly underleveled and ill-equipped to deal with the threats that might be there. Valuable herbs and mining nodes can be found in big-time zones like the Burning Steppes, Azshara, and Tanaris, but actually getting to those zones and surviving the horrors that are found within them can be extra difficult, especially when you’re going to be about 25 levels lower than the mobs that can be found there. But if you’re able to avoid some of the super high-level enemies that patrol those zones, you could definitely yoink all of the crafting materials out of them, provided you have a keen eye.
The most ambitious prediction in the thread claimed that at least one group of well-geared level 25 players will be able to clear out the Scarlet Monastery Library upon reaching the endgame. Although the dungeon is meant for players pushing into their high 30s, it could be possibly done by a group of players who have strong gear and well-thought-out builds. With the room for experimentation that’s going to be present in the Season of Discovery, it’s totally possible that a group of big-brain players crafts the perfect, literally never-before-seen team composition that’s able to run through Scarlet Monastery Library while still being 10 to 15 levels below the recommended level for the dungeon.
If we end up getting something like a Tank Warlock and Healer Mage leading the charge for the dungeon run to end all dungeon runs, we wouldn’t even be surprised; Season of Discovery has that sort of potential for wild ongoings.
Our biggest prediction—although it’s maybe not as ambitious as some of the ones found on Reddit—is that a group will make it from level one all the way to the end of Blackfathom Deeps without dying. There are certainly going to be players who can’t get enough of the Hardcore ruleset and will bring those parameters into the new season, and we totally expect players to “beat the game” in a deathless run at least once.
WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery goes live in just a few hours, with a scheduled launch time of 3pm CT later today, Nov. 30.
Published: Nov 30, 2023 02:59 pm