Echo have already ensured that this tier’s World of Warcraft Dragonflight Race to World First won’t be determined by a week-one reset since they made quick work of their reclear today.
The group took out the seven Vault of the Incarnate bosses prior to Raszageth in minimal attempts. The guild took down Eranog, Primal Council, and Sennarth on their first attempt each and it only took two tries for them to defeat Terros, Dathea, and Broodkeeper Diurna. Kurog Grimtotem took the guild three tries.
For comparison’s sake, the reigning champion’s biggest competition, North American guild Team Liquid, downed Eranog, Terros, and Primal Council in one attempt each. The group took out Kurog and Dathea in two attempts each, but Sennarth and Broodkeeper Diurna took them four and six attempts, respectively.
Related: Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates Race to World First live tracker
While each group had comparable reclears, what stands out now is the variance in approach by each guild. While Liquid made slight adjustments to their team composition headed into post-reset Raszageth progression, Echo made more aggressive changes to their raid group.
Both squads have an average item level of just more than 408, but Echo have moved toward a five healer composition, up from the four they were taking to the fight yesterday. The group also changed out one of their Warrior tanks in favor of adding a Death Knight as a tank. Previously, both guilds had spent the entire RWF playing with two Warrior tanks.

After Echo spent last week consistently bringing two Preservation Evokers, Liquid hopped on the bandwagon and have a second Evoker healing their Raszageth progression, but Echo have taken the Evoker staking to another level today by making their fifth healer an Evoker as well. Echo are fighting Raszageth with three of the new hero class.
Evokers are especially well-equipped for Raszageth because of the critical mobility that Dracthyr brings to a raid composition. Raszageth has a knockback ability that was a cause for concern and special strategizing early on in progression. Taking mobile classes and races to the fight makes life significantly easier.
Published: Dec 21, 2022 03:36 pm