Wordle may seem too simple, but there is a statistical depth not apparent at first glance.
While many players like to use the words they think are coolest and then try to narrow down the possible answers, others prefer to study the game to find out what the best options are. It might even be that this quest is more fun than playing the game itself.
Many use programs to “play” Wordle over and over again until they can gather enough data showing which strategies were most effective in those games. Reviews like these say that the best words to start Wordle with are words that use a lot of common letters among the possible answers, like “SLATE”, “CRATE”, or “CARES”.
Even so, other players prefer to look for different strategies, looking for example for the best pair of words to start with, giving up one attempt to try to get more accurate information to use in subsequent attempts.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘I’ as the only vowel
If you’ve used your first guesses and are trying to guess words that contain the letters “HI”, here is a list of five-letter words with the letters “HI” in alphabetical order.
Five-letter words with ‘HI’ to try on Wordle
- ahigh
- ahind
- ahing
- ahint
- aphid
- aphis
- chiao
- chias
- chibs
- chica
- chich
- chick
- chico
- chics
- chide
- chief
- chiel
- chiks
- child
- chile
- chili
- chill
- chimb
- chime
- chimo
- chimp
- china
- chine
- chink
- chino
- chins
- chips
- chirk
- chirl
- chirm
- chiro
- chirp
- chirr
- chirt
- chiru
- chits
- chive
- chivs
- chivy
- chizz
- dashi
- deshi
- ehing
- elchi
- ethic
- hiant
- hicks
- hided
- hider
- hides
- hiems
- highs
- hight
- hijab
- hijra
- hiked
- hiker
- hikes
- hikoi
- hilar
- hilch
- hillo
- hills
- hilly
- hilts
- hilum
- hilus
- himbo
- hinau
- hinds
- hinge
- hings
- hinky
- hinny
- hints
- hiois
- hiply
- hippo
- hippy
- hired
- hiree
- hirer
- hires
- hissy
- hists
- hitch
- hithe
- hived
- hiver
- hives
- hizen
- imshi
- lathi
- lichi
- machi
- mihis
- mythi
- nashi
- nihil
- ohias
- ohing
- phial
- rhies
- rhime
- rhine
- rhino
- rishi
- roshi
- sahib
- shchi
- shiai
- shied
- shiel
- shier
- shies
- shift
- shill
- shily
- shims
- shine
- shins
- shiny
- ships
- shire
- shirk
- shirr
- shirs
- shirt
- shish
- shiso
- shist
- shite
- shits
- shiur
- shiva
- shive
- shivs
- spahi
- sushi
- takhi
- thick
- thief
- thigh
- thigs
- thilk
- thill
- thine
- thing
- think
- thins
- thiol
- third
- thirl
- tophi
- unhip
- which
- whids
- whiff
- whift
- whigs
- while
- whilk
- whims
- whine
- whins
- whiny
- whips
- whipt
- whirl
- whirr
- whirs
- whish
- whisk
- whiss
- whist
- white
- whits
- whity
- whizz
Published: Dec 19, 2022 11:46 pm