Knowing when to level and rolldown for champions in Teamfight Tactics is essential when attempting to consistently place in the top four of a lobby, which is why we’ve put together a leveling guide for Set 10 Remix Rumble.
Leveling and rolling in TFT can vary from game to game, but there are solid practices every player should know and can rely upon. Every set is different, with Set 10 being very different from previous ones due to rolling odds and champion pool changes put in place to synergize with the Remix Rumble Headliner mechanic. You aren’t just leveling and rolling for primary carriers to power up comps in Set 10 as rolling for a Headline unit can be just as important and even a top priority.
Set 10 TFT leveling guide
There is always a right and wrong time to level in TFT, but it can vary depending on economy, health, and the type of comp you are thinking about playing. Despite the randomness, there are specific Stages where most of the lobby will likely level. Knowing these Stages and watching your lobby closely as to when the majority have leveled up is very important. One or two losses due to not keeping up with the lobby can be the difference between a sixth-place finish and a fourth.
- Level four: Stage 2-1
- Level five: Stage 2-5 or Stage 2-3 if you’re seeking three-cost champions after the carousel
- Level six: Stage 3-2
- Level seven: Stage 3-5 if you’re flush with gold and health or 4-1
- Level eight: Stage 4-2 if you’re going fast nine and have gold and health. Stage 4-5 is when the lobby typically levels up to eight and Stage 5-1 is when you’re slow-rolling for three-star units.
- Level nine: Stage 5-2 if you’re hitting level nine before the lobby or Stage 5-5.
- Level 10: Stage 6-1 or later.
Tips to leveling in TFT Set 10
Gold and health matter. A standard leveling guide begins to change at a basic level based on how you as a player are performing within your lobby. Hitting seven Yasuos by Stage Two or having a loss streak with a horrible board will change how and when to level.
One-cost and two-cost reroll leveling
One-cost and two-cost reroll comps like Annie and Yasuo typically want to have seven or more copies of the champion by Stage 3-1, which can result in rolling down to around 20 to 30 gold to turn your primary carrier into a three-star champion. Any other one and two-cost champions that you want to three-star can be slow rolled for (staying above 50 gold each round) from level five to six.
Three-cost reroll leveling
Rolling for a three-cost is different than one and two-cost units because of rolling odds and champion pool sizes. You need to have a stable board throughout levels five and six while accumulating gold so you can slow roll at level seven. Once hitting your three-star units, you want to get to level eight for synergies as quickly as possible or you risk falling behind the lobby in power.
Fast nine leveling
Going fast nine is all about having a strong board that is win-streaking. You don’t want to roll down until at least level eight for a four-cost Headliner and additional four-cost support. Once the board is stabilized again, you can push for level 10 if you’re lacking in unit power or if adding another trait will change the overall power level of your comp.
Published: Dec 20, 2023 03:46 pm