Traits for Teamfight Tactics are getting a new look and sound through Set 10 Remix Rumble, showcasing musical tracks for each trait and some individual champions as well.
The main theme for TFT Set 10 is a musical one, featuring 29 traits, or bands, using their musical skills to win lobbies and throw down jamming beats at the same time. The main mechanic for TFT Set 10 is Headliner, showcasing powered-up variants of Remix Rumble champions. And the secondary mechanic is Portals in conjunction with Augments. Legends are not returning in TFT Set 10.
Every TFT Set 10 trait, activated abilities, and stats

Players essentially become a DJ in Set 10 in addition to crafting a winning meta comp, according to Riot. Each trait gets activated at a breakpoint, with stats increasing through the more breakpoints activated. Heartsteel, for example, is a vertical trait with breakpoints at three, five, seven, and nine. Upon unlocking nine, the bonus ability is 10 times Hearts as opposed to one at the breakpoint of three.
Here’s every TFT Set 10 trait in Remix Rumble and how it interacts with champions on the board. All traits, abilities, and stats are according to in-game stats provided by Riot.
8-bit Set 10 trait
When your team deals damage, your score goes up. For every high score you’ve beaten, 8-bit champions gain more attack damage.
- Two: Five percent per high score.
- Four: nine percent per high score.
- Six: 14 percent per high score and unlock a grand prize upon reaching the top high score. The grand prize high score is 345,678.
Country Set 10 trait
When your team loses 30 percent of their health, a Dreadsteed charges onto the battlefield and empowers your team. Each Country unit’s star level increases the Dreadsteed’s health and attack damage. Hecarim base health is 425 and attack damage is 40.
- Three: Dreadsteed
- Five: Midnight Dreadsteed
- Seven: Infernal Invocation Dreadsteed which grows in size as Country units get starred up.
Disco Set 10 trait
Gain a placeable Disco Ball. During combat start and every few seconds, champions next to the Disco Ball gain stacking attack speed and are healed for a percentage of their maximum health every three seconds.
- Three: Five percent attack speed and three percent of maximum health.
- Four: 10 percent attack speed and four percent of maximum health.
- Five: 15 percent attack speed and four percent of maximum health. Gain another Disco Ball.
- Six: 20 percent attack speed and six percent of maximum health.
EDM Set 10 trait
Players will use the EDM selector to sample a champion. Periodically, EDM champions transform into the sampled champions, sampling their attack damage and ability power, along with casting their ability.
- Two: Sample at 90 percent effectiveness
- Three: Sample at 100 percent effectiveness
- Four: Casts one second more frequently, sample at 110 percent effectiveness
- Five: Casts two seconds more frequently, sample at 130 percent effectiveness
Emo Set 10 trait
Emo Champions have reduced maximum mana. Whenever an ally dies, Emo champions gain mana.
- Two: 20 percent reduced maximum mana and 20 gained.
- Four: 30 percent reduced maximum mana and 30 gained.
- Six: 40 percent reduced maximum mana and 40 gained, plus 20 ability power
Heartsteel Set 10 trait
After every four tuns, you can cash out like normal or you can choose the Raise the Stakes. If you do, your box will turn gold. You will now gain double the hearts, but if you win a combat round, you lose 50 percent of your current total. If you manage to lose eight times in a row, gain an additional 80 bonus hearts
- Three: One times Hearts
- Five: 2.25 times Hearts
- Seven: 5.5 times Hearts
- 10: 12 times Hearts and keep 80 percent of Hearts between cashouts and cashout every round.
Hyperpop Set 10 trait
Grant mana and seconds of attack speed to their two closest allies after casting.
- One: Three mana and 10 percent attack speed.
- Two: Five mana and 20 percent attack speed.
- Three: Seven mana and 35 percent attack speed.
- Four: 10 mana and 60 percent attack speed.
ILLBEATS Set 10 trait
This trait is unique to Illaoi. Gain two/two/eight placeable Spirit Tentacles, based on Illaoi’s star level. Tentacles gain Illaoi’s bonus armor and magic resistance.
Jazz Set 10 trait
Your team gains bonus health and deals bonus damage for each active non-unique trait.
- Two: 1.5 percent bonus health and one percent damage.
- Three: 2.5 percent bonus health and 1.5 percent damage.
- Four: Four percent bonus health and two percent damage.
K/DA Set 10 trait
All units that start combat in the lighted Hexes gain maximum health, ability power, and attack damage. K/DA champions go All Out, which doubles these bonuses. Your lighted hex pattern changes each game.
- Three: Plus 10 percent maximum health, 10 attack damage, and 10 ability power.
- Six: Plus 15 percent maximum health, 15 attack damage, and 15 ability power.
- Seven: Plus 22 percent maximum health, 22 attack damage, and 22 ability power.
- Ten: Plus 50 percent maximum health, 50 attack damage, and 50 ability power—plus 10 mana per second.
Maestro Set 10 trait
Maestro is a unique trait for Jhin. Jhin has an attack speed of 0.9 and converts one percent bonus attack speed into 0.7 percent attack damage. While conducting, Jhin’s rifles fire at the same rate, and he gains 10 mana per volley. Every fourth volley deals 200 percent damage.
Mixmaster Set 10 trait
The Mixmaster trait is unique to Sona. Sona is the Mixmaster and chooses a mode to modify the team’s attacks and abilities.
Pentakill Set 10 trait
Pentakill champions deal more damage and reduce damage by 15 percent. When an enemy champion dies, empower a Pentakill champion, increasing their bonus damage 25 percent. The fifth kill empowers all Pentakill champions, and your team gains 50 percent attack speed.
- Three 15 percent bonus damage
- Five: 30 percent bonus damage
- Seven: 45 percent bonus damage
- Ten: 110 percent bonus damage, and 50 percent damage reduction
Punk Set 10 trait
Gain bonus health and attack damage. This bonus is increased by one percent each time you spend gold on a shop refresh. After Punk units fight in combat, your first shop refresh costs one gold and grants plus three percent attack damage.
- Two: Gain 160 health and 16 percent attack damage.
- Four: Gain 260 health and 26 percent attack damage.
- Six: Gain 420 health and 42 percent attack damage.
True Damage Set 10 trait
Deal bonus true damage. True Damage champions holding an item gain a unique Bling Bonus for their ability.
- Two: 15 percent damage
- Four: 30 percent damage
- Six: 45 percent damage
- Nine: 125 percent damage and Bling Bonuses go Platinum.
Wildcard is a unique trait for Kayn. If you win combat with Kayn, he becomes the Shadow Assassin. If you don’t, Rhaast takes over instead. Every time he kills two enemy champions, you gain a reward based on his form.
- Shadow Assassin: Three gold.
- Rhaast: One Tactician health.
Big Shot Set 10 trait
Gain attack damage. This bonus is increased for three seconds when Big Shot champions use their ability.
- Two: 10 percent attack damage and 40 percent after casting
- Four: 18 percent attack damage and 60 percent after casting
- Six: 30 percent attack damage and 80 percent after casting
Breakout Set 10 trait
Akali is a member of KDA or True Damage, depending on which Trait has more fielded champions. She gains a different ability depending on which form she takes and her skin changes. The Breakout trait is unique to Akali. KD/A and True Damage Headline units count as two instead of one.
Bruiser Set 10 trait
Your units gain 150 health. Bruiser units gain additional maximum health.
- Two: Plus 20 percent maximum health.
- Four: Plus 45 percent maximum health.
- Six: Plus 90 percent maximum health.
Crowd Divers Set 10 trait
Crowd Diver units deal bonus damage plus more damage each second. When Crowd Divers die, they jump on the furthest enemy, dealing 300 magic damage to them and Stunning enemies within an area of effect for 1.5 seconds. The Crowd Diver trait triggers on-kill effects through Heartsteel and Healing Orbs. Crowd Diver units also deal bonus damage that is increased by one percent each second.
- Two: 12 percent bonus damage
- Four: 30 percent bonus damage
- Six: 50 percent bonus damage
Dazzler Set 10 trait
Dazzler abilities dazzle enemies for two seconds, reducing their target’s damage by 25 percent and dealing a percent of the ability’s damage as bonus magic damage over the duration.
- Two: 20 percent magic damage
- Four 60 percent magic damage
- Six: 100 percent magic damage
Edgelord Set 10 trait
Gain attack speed. When their target drops target below 50 percent health, Edgelord units with one-Hex range dash and slash through enemies on their next attack.
- Three: 30 percent
- Five: 50 percent
- Seven: 85 percent
Executioner Set 10 trait
Executioner abilities can critically strike, and they gain Critical Strike damage. As their target loses health, the Critical Strike Chance increases.
- Two: 15 percent Critical Strike and up to 25 percent Critical Strike Chance.
- Four: 20 percent Critical Strike and up to 45 percent Critical Strike Chance.
- Six: 30 percent Critical Strike and up to 70 percent Critical Strike Chance.
Guardian Set 10 trait
Once per combat at 50 percent health, Guardian units shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their maximum health.
- Two: 25 percent
- Four: 45 percent
- Six: 70 percent
Mosher Set 10 trait
Gain attack speed and Omnivamp increased by 100 percent based on the unit’s missing health. Omnivamp is healing for a percentage of damage dealt.
- Two: 20 percent and 10 percent Omnivamp.
- Four: 40 percent and 15 percent Omnivamp.
- Six: 60 percent and 20 percent Omnivamp.
Rapidfire Set 10 trait
Your units gain 10 percent attack speed. Rapidfire units gain more every time they attack, up to 10 stacks.
- Two: Four percent
- Four: Eight percent
- Six: 14 percent
Sentinel Set 10 trait
Your team gains armor and magic resistance. Sentinel units gain double.
- Two: Plus 16 armor and plus 16 magic resistance.
- Four: Plus 35 armor and plus 35 magic resistance.
- Six: Plus 55 armor and plus 55 magic resistance.
- Eight: Plus 100 armor and plus 100 magic resistance.
Spellweave Set 10 trait
Your team gains 15 ability power. Spellweaver champions gain more. Whenever a Spellweave unit casts, all Spellweaver units gain ability power.
- Three: 20 and plus one per cast
- Five: 35 and plus two per cast
- Seven: 70 and plus three per cast
- Ten: 120 and plus four per cast
Superfan Set 10 trait
Superfan champions improve your Headliner. At the start of the planning phase, if the Superfan trait is active and your Headline champion has three items, not including an item from the Superfan trait, one of two options may occur.
- If you have three-plus item bench slots, it removes all three and displays a breadcrumb
- If you have less than three bench slots, nothing happens, and different breadcrumb plays
- Senna: Spear of Shojin
- Twitch: Deathblade
- Samira: Infinity Edge
- Twisted Fate: Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Ziggs: Spear of Shojin
Here are the breakpoint abilities for the Superfan trait.
- Three: The Headliner gets a completed item
- Four: Headliner gets 250 bonus health and 15 percent Omnivamp
- Five: Item upgrades to Radiant item
Published: Jan 9, 2024 09:37 am