Spider-Man 2 brings the return of both Peter Parker and Miles Morales as Spider-Man. As years have passed since the events of the previous games, you might wonder exactly how old Peter Parker is in Spider-Man 2.
Both Miles Morales and Peter Parker have grown in experience as New York’s defenders. Now the two appear side-by-side taking on new threats as a team. Given that Peter Parker is struggling to focus on his job and Miles is similarly occupied by college applications, more responsibilities have come with their age.
How old is Peter Parker in Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker is 25 years old in Spider-Man 2. Two years have passed since the events of the previous Spider-Man game and Peter Parker has since graduated with a degree in biophysics during his time working with Dr. Octavius.
Now, Peter Parker not only moonlights as the web-slinging hero, but also works as a journalist alongside Mary Jane, who both live in a Queens apartment. Without his previous mentor-turned-villain as well as his Aunt, Peter Parker still has plenty of friends and allies to rely on.
After his first standalone game, Miles Morales has joined Peter Parker in the fight against crime. At the start of Spider-Man 2, Miles is 17 years old. Though still a high school student at the Brooklyn Visions Academy, Miles has college applications to worry about as well as his vigilante antics.
While Miles and Peter both have plenty going on in their lives outside of crime fighting, the introduction of Kraven and Symbiote are bound to shake up both of their lives.
Published: Oct 20, 2023 12:21 pm