The upcoming Pokémon TCG Pocket set Space-Time Smackdown has already got players theory-crafting about which decks they’re going to build—and it’s not even out yet.
Dropping on Jan. 29/30, depending on your region, this upcoming expansion set features a slew of fourth-generation Pokémon, including the iconic box Legendaries Dialga and Palkia. It’s looking like a stunning set for collectors, with plenty of interesting artwork and critter designs.
It’s not just a collector’s set, though. The reveal trailer revealed several key details that suggested it was a meta-shifting set for the PvP scene, and some players excitedly shared their thoughts in community forums and threads.
One player posted a snap of the Dialga ex card alongside a Melmetal meme, highlighting just how impactful the Metallic Turbo attack (allowing for two Energy to be moved to the Bench while dealing a little damage) could be in a match.
They also pointed out the shockingly low Retreat Cost for the card. Despite being a tanky Pokémon ex, Dialga ex only has a Retreat Cost of two Colorless Energy Tokens, which is unusual for the card type.
Other players were equally as excited about the card reveal, with one sharing that they were “super hyped” for more Steel critters and another pointing out that “The best part is it doesn’t say it has to be a metal Pokémon. You can attach them to any Pokémon. And it can be another Dialga.”
A reader added, “This attack with benched Mew ex will be so devastating.” Mew ex has been exceptionally popular in recent weeks with Mythical Island and the ongoing Psychic-type Mass Outbreak, so it popped up frequently in this discussion.
In response to another person pointing out that Dialga ex did not target Steel type ‘mons, one viewer happily declared, “No reference in the skill description to the energy being limited to Metal only! The thing holding back Colorless decks is energy limit, with Dialga [providing] two energy per turn, they become less risky!!!”
Others focused on the other reveals in the trailer, with one noting, “I think the Poké Tools have the biggest potential to be the meta shifters. They’re a new type of cards after all. Unless they’re abysmal, I can see how they could change some fundamental aspects of the game.”
Pokémon Tools were hinted at in the reveal trailer in the move description for the new Pachirisu ex card, but none of the Tool cards were revealed individually.
Alongside the excitement about the new card type and potential for creative deck-building, a few weren’t sold on Dialga ex—or the upcoming set as a whole.
One reader shared, “One thing I learned is that those cards that had the biggest anticipation will not be used and vice versa. This means Dialga Ex is just another Tauros/Aerodactyl Ex,” with others debating whether Dialga ex would have a slow playstyle or not.
Another frustrated PTCG player chimed in with their thoughts, saying, “This is insane amounts of power creep. I’m disgusted honestly.”
Whether you’re planning to tear into the new packs on day one or stick to your current Pocket deck, Space-Time Smackdown is worth keeping an eye out for. The set launches in less than a week, and based on the hype it’s received already, it looks like a game-changer.
Published: Jan 24, 2025 08:43 am