Pokémon UNITE is still going strong now more than two years on from its launch and as you’d expect the game’s playable roster has blossomed nicely.
With constant content updates along with full cross-progression across Switch and mobile. Additional elements such as customizable outfits, gameplay mechanics, and events are also added frequently, but let’s face it, the Pokémon is what we’ve all been waiting for. A majority of them are simply put live for a set cost in the in-game shop, while a select few are given away for free through event missions when they launch.
Typically, one new Pokémon is added to the game every month—with a few exceptions for special occasions like anniversaries or tie-in events. Here is a full list of the playable Pokémon you can obtain.
Every playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE

- Pikachu
- Venusaur
- Greninja
- Alolan Ninetails
- Cramorant
- Cinderace
- Chandelure
- Dragapult
- Gardevoir
- Sylveon
- Decidueye
- Duraludon
- Espeon
- Inteleon
- Delphox
- Glaceon
- Mew
- Mewtwo

- Gengar
- Absol
- Talonflame
- Zeraora
- Meowscarda
- Leafeon
- Zoroark
- Dodrio

- Garchomp
- Charizard
- Lucario
- Machamp
- Tsareena
- Dragonite
- Aegislash
- Azumarill
- Buzzwole
- Tyranitar
- Scizor
- Urshifu
- Zacian
- Blaziken
- Mimikyu

- Slowbro
- Crustle
- Snorlax
- Blastoise
- Mamoswine
- Greedent
- Trevenant
- Goodra
- Lapras
- Umbreon

- Wigglytuff
- Sableye
- Comfey
- Mr. Mime
- Eldegoss
- Blissey
- Hoopa
One of the game’s main mechanics, just like with any MOBA, is leveling up your character to get stronger abilities the longer a match goes on. In UNITE, that also ties into the evolution mechanic from Pokémon.
Players will start with the first form of a Pokémon in most cases and have to level it up as they would in one of the main titles if they want to learn new moves and evolve. That means the bulk of the roster will be made up of Pokémon with three-stage evolutions, but not entirely—as shown by Snorlax being on the roster.
Published: Jan 1, 2024 10:37 pm