Overwatch is closing out its New Blood comic series, which follows Cole Cassidy as he recruits members to a revamped Overwatch organization, with a massive showdown in South Korea.
The series’ fifth issue was released today and takes readers to Busan, where Hana Song—better known as D.Va—is stationed with her MEKA squad. This elite group of pilots has been lightly featured in other Overwatch content, like D.Va’s cinematic short “Shooting Star,” but they get a starring role in the finale of this adventure.
Cole Cassidy has traveled the world in the first four issues of New Blood, making contact with heroes like Zarya in Russia and Pharah in Egypt to sell them on the idea of a reconstructed Overwatch organization. The series serves to show the darker, more difficult side of Overwatch’s recruiting, far removed from Winston’s initial recall signal.
The New Blood finale kicks off with the MEKA squad watching news coverage of a growing omnic crisis. On a large screen, they see the new Overwatch squad saving Paris from an attack. Fans will recognize this event from the “Zero Hour” short, which officially announced Overwatch 2 to the world in 2019.
Facing additional attacks in South Korea, D.Va asks her captain if they can contact Overwatch to help them take down omnics. But contact with the organization has been forbidden and the MEKA captain reminds D.Va that her focus should remain at home.
It doesn’t take long for that sentiment to materialize as omnics descend on Busan and force D.Va and her squad into a terrifying battle.
Though this storyline doesn’t ensure the MEKA squad will get airtime in Overwatch 2, this is the first time the New Blood series has explicitly noted that the timeline takes place after “Zero Hour.” It’s certainly good news for fans of D.Va’s fellow pilots, like King and D.Mon, that they could show up in the sequel’s eventual story modes.
Read the final issue of New Blood for free on Overwatch‘s story site and at Dark Horse Comics.
Published: Mar 15, 2022 01:30 pm