A deadly new Sojourn bug that’s buffing her Disruptor Shot could see the damage hero shoot up the Overwatch 2 tier list in the near future, especially considering the glitch seems to be decimating enemy players even when they’re outside its max range.
The hero’s ability is designed to cause serious damage to those inside its area of effect, but unfortunate OW2 players are suffering that same mega-pile of damage at the hands of Sojourn’s orb whether they’re in the circle or not—including one unlucky Cassidy main who reported the flaring issue on Reddit on April 17.
In the clip in question, Sojourn fires her Disruptor Shot, hitting Push objective TW-1 and dishing out damage to Cassidy, even though the marksman is out of range.
As it turns out, TW-1 might have some explaining to do. The affable Push robot that headlines one of Overwatch’s major objective modes could be the reason behind this particular bug, similar to Reinhardt’s shield glitch from earlier this month.
The video showcasing the bug reveals the enemy Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot tagged along for the ride as Cassidy escorted TW-1 to the next point. The Cassidy player appears to be completely dumbfounded as the chip damage slowly drops his health all the way to zero, while the orb remains far off in the distance.
It’s definitely a head-scratcher. No one is entirely sure what took place, but it seems like Sojourn players who can time their Disruptor Shot well could enjoy a hefty little buff on Push maps until the Blizzard devs take a look at fixing the issue.
With other glitches to worry about though, Blizzard may have its hands full.
As Overwatch’s fourth season arrived, so too did a bountiful collection of glitches. In particular, just recently, Kiriko suffered an ability-breaking bug. The support hero was reportedly fixed, but the issue has emerged again just days after the patch; her “Swift Step” ability is usually used to teleport to safety or to help a dying teammate, but this bug nullifies the ability entirely, likely leading to several disgruntled teammates.
So, for the time being, if you see a Sojourn on the other team, stay away from TW-1, and cross your fingers that Blizzard can crack down on this issue quickly.
Published: Apr 18, 2023 4:30 AM UTC