There are so many different champions in League of Legends, and in LoLdle, it can be even harder to pinpoint a specific quote among the game’s ever-growing roster.
The LoLdle quote of the day is “Oblivion awaits,” which could be said by many different champs in the game. There are plenty of characters that hail from darker origins, whether they are magic users, hailing from the Void, or are part of an evil group. With such a short quote, there isn’t much information that you can pull to identify the pick.
If today’s LoLdle is stumping you, here is the champion that says “Oblivion awaits” in League.
Who says “Oblivion awaits” in League?
The League champion that says “Oblivion awaits” is Malzahar.
Malzahar doesn’t say this quote in any other place other than champion select when he is picked by the player. It makes sense since he derives from the Void and is ready to usher in a new world controlled by the destructive faction.
Compared to other champions, Malzahar doesn’t have nearly as many quotes. He has nine quotes when moving, six quotes while auto-attacking, and a plethora of different yells when using abilities. As a result, it is easier to remember his quotes over others since he has so few to begin with. Some might think that he needs a bit of an update to his visuals and voice lines, even though he’s still receiving new skins to date.
Published: May 18, 2024 10:45 am