League of Legends’ lingo can often be the key to better understanding your teammates. When players first start their League adventures, their first order of business will be to understand the game’s mechanics. Once that’s out of the way, they’ll need to get familiar with the lingo to increase their team’s communication level.
Some of League’s terminology can look familiar to players with online gaming experience, but there are a few original phrases. Though you can always ask your team to elaborate on what they’re trying to say, a quick Google search will often be the choice of most players to save face.
If you or someone else in your team was just accused of “Inting,” you should know what it means before chipping into the discussion.
What is Inting in League of Legends?
“Inting” means “intentional feeding,” a situation where players continue to run toward the enemy team and get killed on purpose multiple times. This generally happens when the player in question gets into a fight with their own team or decides that the match is already lost, so they proceed to “int” to get out of the game as soon as possible.
While it’s easy to identify a player when they’re “inting,” the term also gets used in other ways. Players may ask others to stop “inting” after just one misplay that gets them killed. In that context, “inting” takes the place of just getting killed in League.
“Inting” can also be used after making a wrong decision that gets all team members killed. After deciding to take down Baron Nashor and getting wiped out by the enemy, a team can refer to the situation as “inting,” as their in-game decision led them to feed five kills to the enemy team.
What is soft Inting in League of Legends?
Soft “Inting” happens when a player gives up on a match but continues to play to draw less attention to themselves and avoid reports. Soft “inting” players generally stop communicating with their teammates and proceed to continue farming in the lanes until the match ends.
When players soft “ints,” they can also be semi-away from the keyboard (AFK,) watching or reading content to pass the time. On the surface, a soft “inting” player can look perfectly normal, but once observed, most players can point out that they’re griefing.
Published: Aug 27, 2022 10:31 am