One of the best ADCs in EU LCS history is set to return to professional play—if he can find a team.
Konstantinos-Napoleon “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou announced on Twitter earlier today that he’s looking to return to the LCS for the 2018 season.
FORG1VEN hasn’t played for a competitive LCS team since he helped H2K finish top four at Worlds 2016—H2K were defeated by Samsung Galaxy in the semifinals.
In March 2017, FORG1VEN announced that he was joining a team in the Greek League, the LGC, in order to train at a competitive level in preparation for a potential return to the LCS. His original ambition was to join a team for the Summer Split, but that never happened.
Anyone looking to pick up FORG1VEN in the future should be wary—he has a reputation for causing friction in team environments due to his fiery personality. FORG1VEN has received some competitive penalties in the past from Riot Games due to poor behavior.
We might learn more about FORG1VEN’s desire to return to the LCS in his AMA post on Reddit later today.
Published: Sep 29, 2017 12:43 pm