In League of Legends, players usually try to win lanes, take towers, fight for objectives like dragons and the Baron, and destroy the enemy’s Nexus. And while Summoner’s Rift can be a challenging and tense environment, it can also be a place to discover new things like how to place wards over walls and other nifty tricks.
It can also be a fun place where players can test builds or even break records like the one for getting the fastest dragon kill. And today, one Reddit user posed the question you may never have considered: can bots secure Dragon Soul in League?
League explorer LimboMoose1289 wanted to know if bots could secure the Dragon Soul without taking advantage of bugs and exploits, and if it would be possible in any difficulty, with any number of bots, and with any champion.
While there isn’t much information on what the AI bots in League are programmed to do, we do know they don’t play the jungle role, so you’re less likely to find bots there. In addition, Intermediate bots are more advanced and will swap lanes if necessary. They will also pursue you if you leave lane or try to flee from fights.
With this in mind, some have suggested you could lead the bots into the jungle and fight around the dragon. This might result in its death at the hands of a bot, especially if there is AoE damage. And others have suggested a bot might be able to steal it with a Zilean bomb.
Unfortunately, the conclusion seems to be, right now, no bots won’t deliberately be able to get Dragon Soul—though that isn’t stopping players from trying.
Maybe Riot Games developers will poke their heads into the theory-crafting League thread and decide they want to up the stakes for Co-op vs. AI games in the future and give their bots the drive to take dragons and eventually Dragon Soul.
For now, though, the Dragon Soul is all yours to take every game.
Published: Apr 17, 2023 12:07 am