Currently C9 are having a slow start to the split and are struggling to win games. In most of the games they are playing from behind. The reason is focussing on the shotcalling aspect is destorying the team. The shotcalling is good and it is not the problem C9 currently facing. They are having Pick and ban issue which they are not understanding.
1.Game 1 and 2 Kogmaw
If you are a player who has been playing the game for almost two years and almost always the rank 1 in your region and you are going to play the very first competitive game you should not be picking kogmaw. Kogmaw is a champion which requires highest concentration and help from the jungler to hit the level 16. Even after the level 16 it requires skill shots to placed in order to do damage. They won one game and lost the other
2.Game 5 lucian
Lucian has been losing the games in this entire split everywhere. Lucian has the worst win rate of all the professional scene. The itemizations does not favour lucian with the nerf to the IE. So any other adc even graves would do better when compared to lucain in this meta.
3. Game 3 Ezreal, Viktor and Ryze.
All 3 champions should never ever be in the same team. The reason is all three champions are huge gold sinks. Everyone of the champions need more gold. In order to win this game they need to hit every single CS and a huge snowball in all the lanes. The chances are very very low. In professional games it is always required that one lane is going to be gold starved. Since none of three can be starved the game is lost in pick and ban.
If the team is losing so hard in picks and bans and still go close to the games imagine what will happen when they win the pioks phase. Good luck C9.
Published: Jun 14, 2015 01:19 pm