Hogwarts Legacy has 35 hours of main storyline content for players, including challenging puzzles, harrowing battles against evil wizards and creatures, and magical classes. And it’s much longer if you love exploring and taking in the sights of the wizarding world.
Although Hogwarts Legacy has many great features, it also has bad ones, or ones that need improvement or a complete overhaul, according to the growing player base. On the Hogwarts Legacy subreddit, players are debating the game’s loot system and how they believed they were underdeveloped by the devs.
Not only are the Hogwarts item drops random, but players also can’t see the gear’s item level or traits unless they’ve already picked it up. And if they haven’t completed any Merlin Trials yet, the amount of gear any player can carry is limited. Players also can’t choose to pick up or leave an item. So, if you run out of space, you either have to destroy some items or quickly run to a merchant to sell them, which can be frustrating.
Another issue players have with the loot system is the economy, specifically, selling harvested items to merchants and vendors. In other open-world RPGs, players can explore, harvest materials, and sell their materials to merchants for money. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible in Hogwarts Legacy.
And regarding merchants, players are disgruntled because they can just get better gear from them than from completing puzzles or looting, making the whole point of open-world exploration feel “almost pointless” to RPG and open-world enthusiasts, according to the hordes of annoyed Hogwarts Legacy players.
To fix these issues, users have suggested there should be pre-determined gear drops from puzzles, which would help players decide whether they’d like to spend time completing them. And the drops from chests should be better or have more gold to discover too.
As of publication, developers Avalanche has yet to reveal whether Hogwarts Legacy will receive any DLCs or patch fixes to address the underdeveloped loot system.
Published: Feb 19, 2023 11:49 pm