The latest card was revealed earlier today from Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, Rastakhan’s Rumble. This is the last card reveal before the expansion comes out. The card is called Scorch, and it was revealed by Board on Huya.
Scorch is a four-mana cost Mage spell card that will deal four damage to a minion. “If you played an Elemental last turn, this costs (1)” the card reads. It’s a strong addition to Elemental Mage decks, and will most likely be played in Arena where elemental decks are common. The card bares some resemblance to Wing Blast, with the difference that Scorch will synergize well with cards such as Tar Creeper or any other Elemental that will turn this card into a cheap 1-mana cost card for removals.
Related: All of the cards revealed from Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, Rastakhan’s Rumble
You can pre-purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble now before the expansion officially releases next week. There are two different bundles available: One for $20 and another for $50, and you can purchase them until Dec. 4.
Published: Nov 28, 2018 08:16 am