If you have no self control when it comes to buying card packs, you’ll probably want to stay off Hearthstone for the rest of the month.
Hearthstone just introduced a new card bundle that gives you quite a bit of bang for your buck.
You can now purchase the new Hearthstone Explorer Bundle from today through Sept. 3. The bundle includes 20 packs that span four different expansions—five packs from the Witchwood, Boomsday, Rastakhan’s Rumble, and Rise of Shadows expansions. This means you’re essentially paying around $1 per pack.
Card packs aren’t the only thing included in the bundle, however. Players who purchase the bundle will also receive a random Legendary minion from the game’s latest expansion, Saviors of Uldum. If you’re the least bit interested in beefing up your collection in order to play the current Standard format, this bundle is definitely worth the money.
You can only purchase one Explorer Bundle per account. If you’re a complete newbie but you decided to buy the bundle anyway, you’ll need to complete the game’s intro missions before you can bust open your packs.
All of the packs included in the bundle are usable in Standard. Many of the game’s current top-tier decks use cards from each of the expansions included in the bundle. The best decks in the game also feature a ton of cards from Saviors of Uldum.
Don’t expect to buy this bundle and be fully prepared for Standard unless you already have a decent amount of cards from Saviors of Uldum.
Published: Aug 20, 2019 03:09 pm