As you continue your exploration across the world of Gray Zone Warfare, there are plenty of difficult quests you’ll need to complete as you level your character up and gain better gear, including the second part of the Wanted Man quest line.
This vendor mission saga involves an investigation and hunt for a specific prisoner in the country, with Gunny searching for more information on the target. As a result, you’re tasked with returning to Fort Narith, where you’ll have to find and return an interrogation transcript within the base’s barracks.
Here is how to complete the Wanted Man II quest in GZW.
How to complete Wanted Man II quest in Gray Zone Warfare

To finish the Wanted Man II quest in GZW, head over to Fort Narith in the southwest portion of the map. You’ll have to head all the way up through the base, past all of the other buildings, to reach the Barracks in the northernmost part of the fort.

There is a dirt road you can use from the main road that is close to the barracks, but bring a good amount of firepower because Fort Narith has plenty of heavily armed AI combatants. Once you’ve made your way up to the Barracks, the target building has a large A next to its doors and should be hard to miss.

As soon as you enter, walk down the hall until you see a room with the sign A102. You should see a small table just right of the door, with a small candle and the interrogation transcript you’re seeking. Make sure to place the transcript into your SafeLock box before heading out to exfil.
You should be able to report back to Gunny and receive an M4A1 assault rifle, $8,300, 2,000 experience points, and 200 reputation points with the vendor.
Published: May 28, 2024 04:39 pm