Ban Pa is a coastal town you can explore in Gray Zone Warfare, but it’s overrun with NPC enemies who will try to derail you as you attempt to complete tasks such as Lamang Connection.
Lamang Connection is a task given to you by Banshee, one of the later game vendors or task distributors you interact with in Gray Zone Warfare. There are several tasks you’ll need to complete first just to unlock this task, and the task itself isn’t the only thing you’ll need to unlock. You’ll need to scout out the town and locate some evidence stuck behind a locked door.
How to retrieve the evidence for Lamang Connection in Gray Zone Warfare

To find the evidence needed to turn in Lamang Connection, you’ll have to reach a locked fishing hut on the northern side of Ban Pa just north of the Elder’s House landmark, at map coordinates (205, 137), and unlock it with the Ban Pa Fishing Hut key. This key also goes by the shorthand name BP Hut key.

The Ban Pa Fishing Hut key can be dropped by enemy NPCs in Ban Pa. If you land at the India 1 landing zone and move your way south through town and to the locked house, you should find plenty of AI hostiles that could provide you with the key. There’s also the India 2 landing zone to the west.
Once you reach the fishing hut and unlock it, inside you’ll find a couple of weapon cases you can loot, as well as the evidence marked Organisation Notes. Take the evidence and store it in your SafeLock container for safekeeping, and then make your way back to your base. Once there, open the menu and go to Vendors, then select Banshee to turn over the evidence. He’ll reward you with the M700 rifle, XP, and reputation.
Published: May 28, 2024 03:27 pm