The Midnight Sapphire Hotel in Gray Zone Warfare isn’t as relaxing as its name suggests, and you’ll have to stay vigilant while exploring there if you want to complete either Celebrity Crash or Dirt Digger.
The two tasks are one of several instances in Gray Zone Warfare where you have to choose which vendor you want to help out, which determines the rewards you receive. This time around, you’ve got to choose whether Banshee or Handshake receives a crucial VHS tape.
VHS location for Celebrity Crash and Dirt Digger in Gray Zone Warfare
The VHS you need to complete either Celebrity Crash or Dirt Digger is located on the eastern side of the Midnight Sapphire Hotel area, in the Whitewater Villas section, at map coordinates (174, 165).

The most straightforward route to this area is from the Hotel 1 Landing Zone, which is just a short walk northeast of where you can find the tape. If you don’t have this LZ scouted out already, though, you may need to trek further from a more distant LZ, which could also prove to be more dangerous with added enemy NPCs.
Once you’re at the coordinates on the map, you’ll want to look for a single-room villa with a gated entrance. Inside the villa, sitting on the kitchen table, is the VHS tape. Pick it up and stick it in your SafeLock container for safekeeping, then head to the nearest LZ. If at this point you still haven’t discovered the Hotel 1 Landing Zone, head to the forest clearing to the northeast of the villa to discover it and call for a ride back to base.
Back at base, turn the VHS task into Banshee or Handshake:
- By completing Celebrity Crash for Handshake, you’ll get an M4A1 rifle, $6,500, 2,000 XP, and 200 reputation with Handshake.
- By completing Dirt Digger for Banshee, you’ll get a Mos 590 shotgun, 2,000 XP, and 200 reputation with Banshee.
The choice is yours, but I rarely use shotguns in GZW, so I went with the M4 and the extra cash by turning the tape over to Handshake.
Published: Jun 3, 2024 04:13 pm