Gray Zone Warfare vendor Gunny has yet another task for you: He wants to know whether there are any seafaring vessels he can procure and wants you to head into Tiger Bay to find out whether he can build his own navy.
After running this mission myself, I can safely say Tiger Bay should be renamed Lion’s Den because completing this task will not be easy. Here’s how to complete Aye Aye, Captain in Gray Zone Warfare.
How to search for ships and complete the Aye Aye Captain mission in Gray Zone Warfare

To complete the Aye Aye, Captain mission in Gray Zone Warfare, travel to the pier at Tiger Bay at coordinates 201, 130. You need to reach the end of the pier and stare out to sea to complete the quest—but getting there won’t be easy.
Tiger Bay, and its surrounding points of interest, are packed with dozens of heavily armored AI bots, and given many players will be in the vicinity completing missions, you’re likely to get involved in a little PvP too (unless you play Joint Operations, that is). Armor up, bring heaps of meds, and ideally a couple of friends to complete this mission.
Land at the India Two landing zone and head south until you hit the shoreline. I do not recommend swimming out to the pier as the bots can easily see and shoot you. Instead, take your time and stay as close to the shore as possible, cutting through the UNLRA Headquarters and Refugee Camp before wrapping around onto the pier itself.
You won’t be in the clear once you reach the pier either; a bunch of bots will be sitting right at the edge of the pier waiting for you, so again, take your time and ensure all troops are dead along the way. Once you get to the tip of the pier, you’re done.
Unfortunately for Gunny, there won’t be any boats, but at least you’ll be rewarded with an M870, $7,400 cash, experience, and vendor reputation.
Published: May 21, 2024 01:57 am