Wordle may seem simple, but it hides a complexity only players seeking it will find.
Those who relentlessly search for the most assertive ways to guess five-letter words may find the way to think only in words that have a chance of being the right word.
And maybe one day they will get the desired hit on the first try.
And the most important thing is all the other players who just want to have fun alone or with friends, or laugh at their favorite streamer’s guessing attempts can do all this fully without worrying about any extra complexity or time-consuming research on which is the best word to guess first.
Wordle is right to be the game every player wants it to be. After all, he doesn’t even punish players who seek spoilers from the answers. The game is a tool given to players for them to use as they wish. The most important thing is always to remember to have fun.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘R’ and ‘H’
But if the first attempt has already passed and you only discovered the presence of the letters ‘R’ and ‘U’ in the correct answer, without knowing their exact positions, here is a list of five letter words with the letters ‘R’ and ‘U’, sorted in alphabetical order.
Five-letter words with ‘R’ and ‘U’ to try on Wordle
- ahuru
- alure
- amour
- arcus
- argue
- argus
- arnut
- aruhe
- arums
- auger
- augur
- aurae
- aural
- aurar
- auras
- aurei
- aures
- auric
- auris
- aurum
- azure
- azurn
- azury
- baurs
- bluer
- blurb
- blurs
- blurt
- bourd
- bourg
- bourn
- brugh
- bruin
- bruit
- brule
- brume
- brung
- brunt
- brush
- brusk
- brust
- brute
- bruts
- buhrs
- buran
- buras
- burbs
- burds
- buret
- burgh
- burgs
- burin
- burka
- burke
- burks
- burls
- burly
- burns
- burnt
- buroo
- burps
- burqa
- burro
- burrs
- burry
- bursa
- burse
- burst
- buyer
- chiru
- churl
- churn
- churr
- clour
- cornu
- courb
- courd
- coure
- cours
- court
- croup
- crout
- cruck
- crude
- cruds
- crudy
- cruel
- crues
- cruet
- crumb
- crump
- cruor
- crura
- cruse
- crush
- crust
- crusy
- cruve
- cuber
- curat
- curbs
- curch
- curds
- curdy
- cured
- curer
- cures
- curet
- curfs
- curia
- curie
- curio
- curli
- curls
- curly
- curns
- curny
- currs
- curry
- curse
- cursi
- curst
- curve
- curvy
- cuter
- daurs
- demur
- douar
- doura
- drouk
- drubs
- drugs
- druid
- drums
- drunk
- drupe
- druse
- drusy
- druxy
- duars
- duper
- dural
- duras
- dured
- dures
- durgy
- durns
- duroc
- duros
- duroy
- durra
- durrs
- durry
- durst
- durum
- durzi
- ecrus
- emure
- enure
- eruct
- erugo
- erupt
- eruvs
- euros
- exurb
- faurd
- femur
- feuar
- flour
- fluor
- flurr
- forum
- fouer
- fours
- fraud
- fraus
- frugs
- fruit
- frump
- frush
- frust
- fubar
- fuero
- fumer
- fural
- furan
- furca
- furls
- furol
- furor
- furrs
- furry
- furth
- furze
- furzy
- garum
- gaurs
- gebur
- glaur
- gluer
- goura
- gourd
- grouf
- group
- grout
- grubs
- grued
- gruel
- grues
- grufe
- gruff
- grume
- grump
- grunt
- guard
- guars
- guiro
- gular
- gurge
- gurls
- gurly
- gurns
- gurry
- gursh
- gurus
- gyrus
- houri
- hours
- huers
- huger
- humor
- hurds
- hurls
- hurly
- hurra
- hurry
- hurst
- hurts
- incur
- inrun
- inure
- inurn
- jarul
- jorum
- jours
- jumar
- jural
- jurat
- jurel
- juror
- kauri
- kauru
- kaury
- knaur
- knurl
- knurr
- knurs
- korun
- korus
- koura
- kraut
- krubi
- kukri
- kuris
- kurre
- kurta
- kurus
- larum
- laura
- lemur
- loure
- lours
- loury
- lubra
- lucre
- luger
- lunar
- lurch
- lured
- lurer
- lures
- lurex
- lurgi
- lurgy
- lurid
- lurks
- lurry
- lurve
- luser
- luter
- mauri
- mohur
- mourn
- mucor
- mucro
- mudir
- mudra
- muirs
- mural
- muras
- mured
- mures
- murex
- murid
- murks
- murky
- murls
- murly
- murra
- murre
- murri
- murrs
- murry
- murti
- murva
- musar
- muser
- muter
- nairu
- nuder
- nurds
- nurdy
- nurls
- nurrs
- nurse
- occur
- odour
- orgue
- ourie
- outer
- outre
- outro
- pareu
- perdu
- pours
- prahu
- praus
- proud
- proul
- prude
- prune
- prunt
- pruta
- pucer
- pudor
- puers
- puker
- puler
- purda
- pured
- puree
- purer
- pures
- purge
- purim
- purin
- puris
- purls
- purpy
- purrs
- purse
- pursy
- purty
- quair
- quare
- quark
- quart
- queer
- quern
- query
- quire
- quirk
- quirt
- qursh
- rahui
- rakus
- ramus
- ratus
- rauns
- raupo
- rebus
- rebut
- rebuy
- recur
- recut
- redub
- redux
- regur
- rerun
- reuse
- revue
- rheum
- rhumb
- rimus
- risus
- rogue
- roguy
- roque
- rouen
- roues
- rouge
- rough
- roule
- rouls
- roums
- round
- roups
- roupy
- rouse
- roust
- route
- routh
- routs
- ruana
- rubai
- rubby
- rubel
- rubes
- rubin
- ruble
- rubus
- ruche
- rucks
- rudas
- rudds
- ruddy
- ruder
- rudes
- rudie
- ruers
- ruffe
- ruffs
- rugae
- rugal
- rugby
- ruggy
- ruing
- ruins
- rukhs
- ruled
- ruler
- rules
- rumal
- rumba
- rumbo
- rumen
- rumes
- rumly
- rummy
- rumor
- rumpo
- rumps
- rumpy
- runch
- runds
- runed
- runes
- rungs
- runic
- runny
- runts
- runty
- rupee
- rupia
- rural
- rurps
- rurus
- rusas
- ruses
- rushy
- rusks
- rusma
- russe
- rusts
- rusty
- ruths
- rutin
- rutty
- sarus
- saury
- scaur
- scour
- scrub
- scrum
- scurf
- scurs
- serum
- shiur
- shrub
- shrug
- shura
- sieur
- sirup
- slurb
- slurp
- slurs
- smurs
- sorus
- sours
- sprue
- sprug
- spuer
- spurn
- spurs
- spurt
- stour
- strum
- strut
- sture
- sturt
- suber
- sucre
- sudor
- suers
- sugar
- super
- supra
- surah
- sural
- suras
- surat
- surds
- sured
- surer
- sures
- surfs
- surfy
- surge
- surgy
- surly
- surra
- sutor
- sutra
- syrup
- thrum
- thurl
- torus
- tours
- trout
- truce
- truck
- trued
- truer
- trues
- trugo
- trugs
- trull
- truly
- trump
- trunk
- truss
- trust
- truth
- tuart
- tubar
- tuber
- tugra
- tumor
- tuner
- turbo
- turds
- turfs
- turfy
- turks
- turme
- turms
- turns
- turps
- tutor
- tuyer
- udder
- uhuru
- ulcer
- ulnar
- ultra
- umber
- umbra
- umbre
- unarm
- unary
- unbar
- under
- unred
- unrid
- unrig
- unrip
- updry
- upper
- upran
- uprun
- upter
- uraei
- urali
- uraos
- urare
- urari
- urase
- urate
- urban
- urbia
- urdee
- ureal
- ureas
- uredo
- ureic
- urena
- urent
- urged
- urger
- urges
- urial
- urine
- urite
- urman
- urnal
- urned
- urped
- ursae
- ursid
- urson
- urubu
- urvas
- users
- usher
- usure
- usurp
- usury
- uteri
- utter
- varus
- vertu
- virtu
- virus
- vrous
- vrouw
- waurs
- whaur
- wrung
- wurst
- xerus
- yourn
- yours
- yourt
- yurta
- yurts
- zurfs
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right.
Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Aug 18, 2022 11:56 pm