Wordle players share the results of their matches every day on social media and many of the attempts to guess the five-letter words end in success, but it’s common to see players venting their frustrations of defeat.
After guessing a few words and finding a few clues, you may need to get extra help to keep the winning streak going.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘N’
If you’re looking for five-letter words with “C” and “I” to help you find the correct answer, here’s a list of words with those letters, arranged alphabetically to make your search easier.
Five-letter words with ‘C’ and ‘I’ to try on Wordle
- abaci
- acais
- acari
- acids
- acidy
- acing
- acini
- acmic
- acrid
- actin
- aecia
- aitch
- alcid
- amice
- amici
- amnic
- antic
- areic
- artic
- asdic
- aspic
- attic
- aulic
- auric
- azoic
- baric
- basic
- biccy
- bicep
- bices
- birch
- bitch
- bocci
- boric
- brick
- cabin
- cacti
- cadie
- cadis
- caids
- cains
- caird
- cairn
- calid
- calif
- calix
- camis
- campi
- canid
- capiz
- cardi
- carpi
- cavie
- cavil
- cebid
- cedis
- ceiba
- ceili
- ceils
- celli
- cerci
- ceria
- ceric
- cesti
- chain
- chair
- chais
- chiao
- chias
- chibs
- chica
- chich
- chick
- chico
- chics
- chide
- chief
- chiel
- chiks
- child
- chile
- chili
- chill
- chimb
- chime
- chimo
- chimp
- china
- chine
- chink
- chino
- chins
- chips
- chirk
- chirl
- chirm
- chiro
- chirp
- chirr
- chirt
- chiru
- chits
- chive
- chivs
- chivy
- chizz
- choir
- choli
- ciaos
- cibol
- cided
- cider
- cides
- ciels
- cigar
- ciggy
- cilia
- cills
- cimar
- cimex
- cinch
- cinct
- cines
- cions
- cippi
- circa
- circs
- cires
- cirls
- cirri
- cisco
- cissy
- cists
- cital
- cited
- citer
- cites
- cives
- civet
- civic
- civie
- civil
- civvy
- claim
- clavi
- cleik
- click
- clied
- clies
- cliff
- clift
- climb
- clime
- cline
- cling
- clink
- clint
- clipe
- clips
- clipt
- cnida
- coati
- cobia
- cocci
- cogie
- coifs
- coign
- coils
- coins
- coirs
- coits
- colic
- colin
- combi
- comic
- comix
- conia
- conic
- conin
- corgi
- coria
- corni
- cosie
- covin
- cozie
- craic
- craig
- cribs
- crick
- cried
- crier
- cries
- crime
- crimp
- crims
- crine
- crios
- cripe
- crise
- crisp
- crith
- crits
- croci
- cubic
- cubit
- cuifs
- cuing
- cuish
- cuits
- culti
- cumin
- cunei
- cupid
- curia
- curie
- curio
- curli
- cursi
- cutie
- cutin
- cutis
- cylix
- cynic
- daric
- deice
- demic
- diact
- diced
- dicer
- dices
- dicey
- dicht
- dicks
- dicky
- dicot
- dicta
- dicts
- dicty
- dinic
- disci
- disco
- discs
- ditch
- dolci
- domic
- doric
- drice
- edict
- elchi
- eniac
- epics
- erica
- erick
- erics
- ethic
- evict
- facia
- farci
- fasci
- fecit
- fices
- fiche
- fichu
- ficin
- ficos
- ficus
- filch
- finca
- finch
- fiscs
- fitch
- flick
- flics
- folic
- gamic
- genic
- grice
- haick
- hemic
- hicks
- hilch
- hitch
- hoick
- humic
- hylic
- icers
- iched
- iches
- ichor
- icier
- icily
- icing
- icker
- ickle
- icons
- ictal
- ictic
- ictus
- ileac
- iliac
- incle
- incog
- incur
- incus
- incut
- iodic
- ionic
- itchy
- juice
- juicy
- kicks
- kicky
- klick
- laich
- laics
- lichi
- licht
- licit
- licks
- lilac
- linac
- linch
- logic
- loric
- lotic
- lucid
- ludic
- lyric
- lytic
- machi
- mafic
- magic
- malic
- manic
- medic
- melic
- mesic
- metic
- micas
- miche
- micht
- micks
- micky
- micos
- micra
- micro
- milch
- mimic
- mince
- mincy
- misch
- mitch
- mucic
- mucid
- mucin
- music
- naric
- nicad
- nicer
- niche
- nicht
- nicks
- nicky
- nicol
- niece
- nomic
- oculi
- ogmic
- ohmic
- oleic
- ontic
- optic
- orcin
- orgic
- osmic
- panic
- pical
- picas
- piccy
- picks
- picky
- picot
- picra
- picul
- piece
- pilch
- pinch
- pisco
- pitch
- plica
- price
- prick
- pricy
- pubic
- pudic
- pyric
- quich
- quick
- rabic
- recit
- recti
- relic
- riced
- ricer
- rices
- ricey
- richt
- ricin
- ricks
- roric
- runic
- saice
- saick
- saics
- salic
- scail
- scapi
- scion
- sclim
- scrim
- scrip
- scudi
- sepic
- seric
- shchi
- sices
- sicht
- sicko
- sicks
- since
- siroc
- slice
- slick
- snick
- sodic
- sonic
- spica
- spice
- spick
- spics
- spicy
- stich
- stick
- stoic
- succi
- sulci
- tacit
- telic
- theic
- thick
- tical
- ticca
- ticed
- tices
- tichy
- ticks
- ticky
- tinct
- titch
- tonic
- topic
- toric
- toxic
- triac
- trice
- trick
- tunic
- twice
- typic
- umiac
- uncia
- ureic
- vatic
- vicar
- viced
- vices
- vichy
- vinca
- vinic
- voice
- vraic
- which
- wicca
- wicks
- wicky
- wilco
- wince
- winch
- witch
- wrick
- xenic
- xeric
- xylic
- yince
- yogic
- yoick
- yonic
- zilch
- zinco
- zincs
- zincy
- zymic
The words that make up this list are fully valid for use in Wordle. They can give more clues about letters that may or may not be present in the correct answer. If you weren’t lucky enough to find many letters, don’t forget that the secret word can contain repeated letters.
Finally, always start with the most common words among your options, as it is easier for them to be the answer.
Follow these tips and you will complete your daily game sooner.
Published: Oct 11, 2022 07:29 pm